Betty June "B.J." Nikkel is a state representative in the US state of Colorado. He served in House leadership as Republican House Majority Whip, the fourth highest leader in the Colorado House of Representatives. Nikkel was appointed to the Colorado House of Representatives in January 2009 by a vacancy committee to fill the vacancy caused by Kevin Lundberg's appointment to Colorado State Senate. He was sworn in on January 22, 2009.
Nikkel represents House District 49, which encompasses all of Larimer County, Colorado, including the cities of Wellington, Timnath, Berthoud, and Estes Park, and the town of Windsor in Weld County, from 2009 to 2012.
Video B.J. Nikkel
Initial life
Nikkel is married to her husband, Phil and they have two grown sons, Jonathan and Christopher. He lives in Larimer County on Carter Lake near Loveland, Colorado.
Political career
Rep. BJ Nikkel is a Republican political activist and weekly columnist for Fort Collins Coloradoan before becoming a congressional staff and then a senior staff member for the former Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, serving as the district director for congressmen. Nikkel was also elected as delegate to the Republican National Convention 2004. He also worked as a public relations consultant, and, at the time of his election to the legislature, was senior development director for the National Guard Association of Colorado. Nikkel has also served on the State Commission for Judiciary, Larimer District Youth Service Advisory Council and has written a regular editorial column for Fort Collins Coloradoan.
Nikkel is a former member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and has served as Colorado state leader. Nikkel presented at the national ALEC conference on his success in transparency promulgated in Colorado. He is also a member of other legislative organizations, the Council of the National Legislative Council (NCSL) and is part of a panel on the issue of child welfare at their national conference.
Maps B.J. Nikkel
Legislative career
appointment 2009
The appointment of Nikkel to the country house comes from a series of vacancies beginning with the election of state senator Steve Johnson as Larimer County commissioner in November 2008. Recalling Rep. Kevin Lundberg expressed interest in being appointed to the Johnson state senate seat, Nikkel expressed interest in Lundberg's assumption of home seats shortly after the November election of Johnson. Nikkel has previously expressed interest in replacing the limited Lundberg in 2010.
Describing himself on Facebook as a "conservative Republican, but an independent thinker," Nikkel is also described as "conservative centric" and "a proud, shameless and conservative fiscal Republican," Nikkel was appointed to the empty seat of Windsor Ray Walter's population by a vote of 8 -2 of the Republican vacuum committee on 17 January. Nikkel was sworn in as state representative on January 22, 2009, increasing the percentage of women serving in the General Assembly to 40 percent, the highest proportion of all US state legislatures.
Legislative session 2009
When Nikkel was inaugurated he took over the committee's duties for his predecessors in the Health and Human Services and State Affairs Committee, Military and Veterans. After the end of 2009 session, Nikkel was re-appointed to serve on the House Judiciary Committee and remain at the State, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. He is also appointed to serve on the Channel Authority of Colorado who oversees the legislature television process. Rep. Nikkel was also appointed to serve on the Select Joint Committee on Child Welfare as a result of the children who died while in state care and was charged with investigating this tragic death in a series of special sessions.
Although Nikkel was appointed to the legislature after the start of the 2009 session, he saw part of three of the four bills he sponsored during the 2009 Legislative Session signed by the governor after the end of the session. Editorial Windsor Beacon calls it "fresh breath" and calls his achievements as a freshman in minority parties as "very impressive when you consider that Nikkel just started his career at State House in January without being elected." past six bills and five Resolutions during the 2010 session. In the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions, Nikkel continued its legislative success by issuing seven bills and three Resolutions each year. Rep. B.J. Nikkel's extensive success and ability to build consensus as a new student legislator in minority parties has been widely recognized. He has been seen as a new star in the Republican Party.
Legislation 2009
HB09-1290 - National Parenting Aid - raises the amount of money in tuition assistance program for Colorado National Guard members.
HB09-1306 - "Youth Correction Reporting Requirements" - will increase accountability for state youth correction facilities, reportedly having problems reporting child abuse properly within the facility. It would make a crime for counselors in juvenile detention facilities to ignore allegations of abuse and for administrators to alter the reports. The bill was fought by the Colorado Department of Human Services that oversees youth corrections and is killed on committees.
HB09-1291 - "Veterans Information Resource Clearinghouse" - provides a central shopping information resource center including a website and phone number "800" for veterans to help them find all the information they need easily in various programs public, private and government that have been examined, and the services available to them. Rep. Nikkel worked with the United Veterans Committee on the bill.
HB09-1288 - "Colorado Taxpayer Tax Disclosure Act" - Nikkel considers this bill as "the most important bill of the 2009 legislative session." The Transparency Act places a state checkbook online so that taxpayers can see expenses and revenues. Nikkel also said he believed "taxpayers have a right to know how and where the state spends taxpayer dollars without having to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for the Colorado Open Records Act request." The bill passed the two houses unanimously and signed by the governor.
legislative hearing 2010
Rep. B.J. Nikkel is well known for advocating the following issues: He is nicknamed "Miss Transparency" by some saying Transparency in state governments will help countries save money by allowing taxpayers to track waste, fraud and abuse by governments. He is also known as a champion for Colorado military and veterans and sponsors legislation to help them, as well as being an adviser to Colorado youths in stopping their over-criminalization. In addition, he became better known for his voice to pass the union bill out of the Justice Committee so that it could be heard by the entire House of Representatives.
During his first year when his persistent efforts to increase transparency and accountability in the state government earned him the title of "Miss Transparency", as it enacted two important parts of the law requiring states to send state department expenditure and revenue data online. The first is the "Online Project Transparency" or TOP and is linked to state legislative websites and websites.
Law 2010
HB10-1140 Construction of National Guard Readiness Center - This bill creates a Readiness Center at state-wide locations for the Colorado Army and Air National Guard. Fund this bill and will create a National Center for Readiness Center for Colorado Guards in Windsor, Grand Junction and Alamosa. Several hundred jobs will be created from projects in these cities.
HB10-1288 Lien Commercial Broker - This bill creates Lien Commercial Real Estate Broker. Commercial real estate brokers are finding it difficult to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fees owed to them. The bill provides the ability to file liens on the property after several recovery and mediation efforts have occurred.
HB10-1078 Exclusion of Personal Information about the Country Transparency Online Project and provide Appeals Process on Excluded Info - Regarding the exclusion and protection of personal information on the state transparency online project (TOP) I created last year through a bill that placing state expenditure and online income data. The bill also creates a process to withdraw exceptions to other information.
HB10-1259 In accordance with the State Constitution Annexation Act - this bill helps adapt the provisions of the state's annexation law to the state constitution so that they are uniform and annexed laws now require that the constitution also be referred to ( in addition to the law) in cases of annexation.
SB10-41 Technical Modification to Legal Terms of Campaign Financing - This bill aligns laws and clears the language in the bill passed in 2009 and meets the registration requirements for committees involved in recall election for other requirements. type of problem committee for the purpose of financial reporting campaign. Also allows the Secretary of State to request electronic filing of campaign finance reports.
HJR10-1004 Military Appreciation Day - Dear Veterans of Colorado and members of the military with various Resolutions and tributes and exhibitions at the Parliament building.
HJR10-1012 - Founding Day CSU Day 140th Anniversary - Celebrating 140th anniversary of Colorado State University.
SJR10-26 - Justin Bauer Memorial Highway - Turns local highways through Berthoud, Colorado to honor local heroes who are killed in action and serve their country well.
2010 elections
On November 2, 2010, Nikkel won the election with a 60% majority. With the November 2010 election, the Colorado Republic won a Majority in House of Representatives and Nikkel was later elected by the party as House Majority Whip. He ran unbidden for positions and helped lead the legislative agenda for the House of Representatives majority.
Rep. Nikkel has received numerous awards and awards to help Colorado Veterans, Colorado National Guard, and other military installations in Colorado. His HB10-1140 creates a new arsenal, called state-wide "Readiness Centers" to help with the updated missions carried out by Colorado National Guard at state and federal levels. He is the main sponsor every year of Military Appreciation Day at the state capitol and has sponsored the law to honor the fallen soldiers and make the license plates do so. He also authorized the law to provide Colorado National Guardsmen guidance and help veterans by creating a "One Stop Shop" for veterans to find the online information they need.
2011 legislative session
On top of his duties as Major Major Cambosures, Nikkel continues to serve on the House Judiciary Committee and is also appointed to the Legislative Council. In addition he served as Vice-Chair for the School Discipline Task Force which will examine zero tolerance policies in Colorado schools.
In 2011 he sponsored a law putting the expenditure and revenues of the Colorado Department of Transport (CDOT) online.
Law 2011
HB11-1002 - Transparency for the Colorado Transportation Department - CDOT is not included in the 2010 Nikkel bill that creates an Online Project Transparency Project because CDOT uses a different computer system. The bill created a newly created CDOT website that was linked to TOP and put CDOT expenditures and revenues online.
HB11-1095 - Protecting Website Security The Secretary of State - This bill requires that certain security measures be taken so that the online SOS business submission part will not be open to fraudulent activities.
HB11-1148 - Disclosure of Health Worker Employment Information - allows employers to exchange information about employees looking for work at other facilities. The bill appears as a result of an employee of a facility that has problems with drug use, is employed by other facilities and then uses a needle that he uses for himself, in patients who expose them to hepatitis.
HB11-1239 - Analysis of the New Crime Fiscal Notes - If legislative action creates a new crime or alters the elements of existing legislation, fiscal analysis must be performed to indicate costs and it must also indicate whether the proposed crime made can be charged under Colorado law. It should compare it with other violations already in the books to ensure the law is not duplicated or should indicate whether the violation may be levied under different criminal laws. It should also include a behavioral analysis that the proposal wishes to address.
HB11-1273 - Health Care Opportunity and Patient Empowerment Act - The HOPE Act - This bill allows for the creation of an interstate complex so Colorado can Opt out of "ObamaCare." It was murdered in the Senate.
SB11-133 - Discipline in Public Schools - This bill allows the formation of a Task Force funded by the Legislative Council to study the impact of a zero-tolerance policy and write laws to solve the problem of over-criminalization of youth in Colorado.
HJR11-1015 - Month of Child Abuse Prevention - Appointed April and Month of Child Abuse.
HJR11-1010 - Founder Day of CSU - celebrates Founding Day and coordinated efforts with Colorado State University to bring exhibits to the Parliament building regarding their academic programs. Bringing CSU Choir singing to the legislature.
2012 legislative hearing
During the 2012 Legislation Session, Nikkel became famous for supporting SB12-02, a union move, and voting to his Democratic colleagues to allow for the issuance of the Justice Committee Bill, allowing the bill to be heard by the entire legislature.. While supporting unions, he recognizes the importance of protecting the Colorado Constitutional Amendment that defines marriage as between one male and one female. He is honored to be elected by the Allied Colorado Jewish Federation.
Unfortunately, Nikkel's attempt to put the Ministry of Higher Education online information failed, along with about 30 other steps, when a partisan standoff arose regarding the civil union bill and Republican Chairman Frank McNulty allowed all pending legislation to die thus preventing debate on bills. This delay triggered a special legislative session that weighed on taxpayers about $ 23,500 per day. In a special session of the General Assembly, Speaker, McNulty sent a civil union legislation to the State Committee, Veterans, and Conservative Military Affairs that served as a "murder committee," permanently avoiding a vote by the House. However, most of the remaining steps follow the normal procedure.
During the 2012 session, Nikkel is also known for his work to help protect Colorado's youth and stop too much of their criminalization in the state. One of the most important parts of the Nikkel laws passed during his tenure is in 2012 - the Direct File Reform Bill HB12-1271. It was championed by the Colorado District Attorney Council and the Attorney General but Nikkel escaped it with extensive bi-partisan support and the bill was signed into law. That is important because it reverses the enacted law of 1993 that empowers and special privileges for district judges to prosecute youth as adults. The Nikkel bill takes its own policies and instead requires that the youth obtain a hearing so that "judicial review" and "legal process" take place.
He also helped enact SB12-046, the Draft Law on Public School Discipline which helped to get rid of "zero tolerance" policies in Colorado schools that provided youth criminal records for minor problems. The bill was also killed during civil disputes "deadlock" in the 2012 session but was raised and incorporated into the 2012 School Finance Act passed during a Special Session of 2012 that Governor Hickenlooper called for dealing with the crucial legislation killed.
Law 2012
HB12-1271 - Limitations of Direct File Teens - The bill reforms laws that allow district attorneys to charge youth as adults and "direct them" into adult courts. HB1271 limits violations in which youth may be subjected as adults only to the most heinous crimes. It takes the use of judicial review in all cases where youth may be prosecuted so that legal proceedings are maintained, allowing both sides of a case to be heard by a judge. Before that, the youth did not get the trial, and instead, just got a trial sentence.
HB12-1023 - Falling Vehicle License Plates - create a plate that can be purchased by Coloradan that requires some results to go to a family survivor group to help families of law enforcement officers who are killed. The purpose of the plate is to honor fallen heroes, including soldiers and firefighters.
HB12-114 6 - Declining Recovery Restrictions - allowing the use of existing district money to pay for programs to help drop out between the ages of 17-21, or those at risk of dropping out, to enroll in a program at a local college where they can get their diplomas and concurrently in class.
HB12-1289 - Auto Insurance Complaint Process - streamlines processes for car insurance consumers and providers so that issues related to their insurance can be handled by post, rather than through a quasi-legal process.
SB12-46 - Discipline in Public Schools - As a result of the task force findings from SB11-133 which included teachers, school administrators, law enforcement, restorative justice experts, counselors and legislators, the bill changed policy in Colorado in which teachers were asked to adopt a zero-tolerance policy that Colorado's youths too criticized. The bill was killed with another bill at the end of the session when the "deadlock" was reached through a civil union bill, but was raised and affixed to the Schools Rep. Tom Massey 2012 in 2012 Special Session.
HJR12-1008 - Fallen Army Resolution - Colorado troops falling off during Military Appreciation Day at the capitol - those who died while protecting their country.
HJR12-1011 - Founders Day CSU - Colorado State University honored as a flagship university in Colorado.
SJR12-028 - Month Prevention of Child Violence - highlighted April as the month of Child Abuse Prevention.
HB12-1252 - Higher Education Transparency - The bill was killed with another bill at the end of the session when the "deadlock" was reached through the union bill. It will be necessary for higher education institutions to post online information about their expenses and income data.
2012 selection
In the 2012 Election, Nikkel's representative announced he would not seek re-election. He was replaced by Republican Perry L. Buck.
Life after politics
In 2013, Nikkel is a signatory of the amicus curiae sent to the Supreme Court to support same-sex marriage during the Hollingsworth v. Perry.
External links
- Legislative page
Source of the article : Wikipedia