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src: iava.org

The Post-9/11 Veteran Educational Assistance Act of 2008 is Title V of the Additional Appropriations Act of 2008, Pub.L. 110-252, HR 2642, a Congress Act that became law as of June 30, 2008. This Act amended Section III of Title 38, the United States Code to include a new Chapter 33, extending the educational benefits to military veterans which has been serving since September 11, 2001. On various occasions, the new educational benefits have been referred to as Post-9/11 GI Bill , the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights , or < b> Webb GI Billing , with many current references calling it just the new G.I. Billing . President George W. Bush signed H.R. 2642 becomes law as of 30 June 2008.

The law is an attempt to pay the veterans' tuition fees to the same level as G.I. Bill did after World War II. The main provisions of the action include funding 100% of a four-year public undergraduate education to a veteran who has served three years on active duty since September 11, 2001. This action also provides the ability for veterans to transfer benefits to spouses or children after serving (or agree to serve) ten years.

The bill was written, introduced and hosted by Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, who introduced it on his first day in the Senate in January 2007. Webb's hope is that this benefit will help veterans today as much as G.I. Bill helped the Biggest Generation in shaping America.

The original GI GI provisions post 9/11 entered into force on 1 August 2009.

Video Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008


The Post-9/11 Education Assistance Act in 2008 increased the educational allowance for certain individuals who served active in the Armed Forces on or after 11 September 2001.

Key benefits include:

  • Four academic years (36 months) of educational allowance for approved programs up to the most expensive state tuition fees in the state listed in the Veterans, currently, range from about $ 3,500 in Wyoming to over $ 450,000 on the helicopter side of the Utah Southern Utah University Helicopter Program. The amount received depends on the number of months a veteran has served in active service on or after September 11, 2001. Minimum requirements are a minimum of 90 days of service, which entitles veterans to 40% of educational benefits.
  • The extra cost at the more expensive private schools under the "Yellow Ribbon" program allows participating institutions to divide the cost (in 2008, one on one) with the federal government up to 100% of the cost.
  • A monthly living allowance is based on the cost of housing a member of an E-5 grade payment service with dependents, based on the postal code of learning. This number varies widely nationally; the current rate for New York City is $ 2,744, while the same rate for El Paso, TX is $ 917. Veterans who attend school online or through correspondence will not receive this benefit if all their enrollment is within distance or online learning. Veterans will be entitled to salary if at least one course is classified as "living in a residence".
  • The benefit period of 15 years after leaving an active duty (compared to 10 years in the current Montgomery G.I Bill).
  • International education programs outside the US are eligible. (US national computing for institutions without US Campus)
  • Removal of the $ 1,200 program fee paid by veterans at the start of the current military service is required by Montgomery G.I. Bill. There is also a one-time payment of additional assistance, payable in conjunction with last beneficial month's disbursement, returning all or part of the initial registration fee of $ 1,200; the refund amount depends on the amount you contribute, up to $ 1,200, multiplied by the remaining balance of the percentile allowance when choosing to convert to Chapter 33.
  • Annual salary to cover other education expenses (e.g., books, inventory, fees) up to $ 1,000.
  • Up to $ 2,000 for a one-time license or certification test, is not charged against the 36-month right.

2010 changed

In December 2010, Congress passed the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 . The new law, commonly referred to as GI Bill 2.0, extends eligibility for National Guard members to include the time presented in Title 32 or in Active Guard and a full-time Backup (AGR).

The new law also includes new (reduced) housing costs for online learners (distance); allowing active service members and GI Bill partners eligible to receive a $ 1,000 annual book salary; add some vocational, certification, and OJT options and remove country-by-state lecture caps for veterans enrolled in public and state-run colleges and universities.

In addition, the so-called GI Bill 2.0 includes $ 17,500 per year for tuition fees and fees for veterans attending private universities, housing allowance prorations based on student pursuit levels, and removing "payment intervals" that allow veterans to continue receiving payments during scheduled school breaks (ie winter and spring break).

Most of these changes take effect in August and October 2011.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Completion of a high school diploma (or equivalent) before applying for such assistance.
  • Service duty is active on or after September 11, 2001 for 36 months for full benefit, and 3 to 35 months for partial benefit.
  • Active Task Forces who choose to enroll in the University's Payments Program will receive new GI Bill benefits. However, the amount of registration time used to meet the requirements of the University Loan Repayment Program (usually the first three to four years of service) will not be calculated against the service time required to qualify for new benefits.

The terms of the transfer may include, depending on the final rules currently being drafted by the Department of Defense (in consultation with VA and Coast Guard):

  • Servicemembers with six years of active service, with a commitment to serve an additional four years, can transfer benefits to their partners.
  • Servicemembers with more than ten years of service can transfer benefits to a child.

2011 changed

Starting in August 2011. The Veterans Affairs Department will only cover up to $ 17,500 a year in private schools, and will only pay "actual net fees for tuition fees in the state and fees assessed" by public schools. Due to different residency regulations from state to state, this has caused some veterans to utilize Post 9/11 GI Bill, to pay the difference. Because of this difference, the bipartisan bill, the GI Billing Justice Act, was introduced at the 113th Congress.

Proposed 2014 changes

On February 3, 2014, the United States House of Representatives passed Bill GI Bill of Justice Bill of 2013 (H.R. 357; 113th Congress). If passed, the bill would require states to offer veterans of school prices within the country rather than school fees outside the country regardless of whether veterans meet residency requirements. The bill will also make other changes for the benefit of veterans.

Maps Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008

Federal Student Help App

Students, regardless of whether the benefits of GI Post-9/11 pay all or part of the tuition fee, can obtain additional financial support for education by preparing a federal student assistance application (FAFSA). The amount of military aid a student receives for a college education does not suspend or decrease the amount of student assistance that students can receive from four federal grant programs - Pell, SMART, ACG, and TEACH - and much of the student assistance of the program states.

src: www.wisconsinsprivatecolleges.org

Division of sections

  • Section 3311: Educational assistance for services in the Armed Forces after 11 September 2001 - Rights . This section sets out several categories of veterans who are eligible for educational benefits under this Act. In general, to qualify, the veteran must have served at least 90 days of active duty, with at least some active duty time period served on or after September 11, 2001.
  • Section 3312: Educational assistance - Duration . Veterans are entitled to receive educational assistance for a period of time related to their rights, as measured by Section 3311 above. In general, veterans may not receive assistance for more than a total of 36 months, which is equivalent to 4 academic years.
  • Section 3313: Education assistance - Payment and amount . In general, veterans may receive financial assistance to pursue an approved education program as follows: (i) payments covering the set fee of the program; (ii) a housing allowance based on E-5 grade payment status with dependents within the territory of the educational institution (iii ) annual salary of $ 1,000. This section governs the timing of such payments and revises education-related payment guidelines for less than half the time, internships, on-the-job training, correspondence schools, and flight training.
  • Section 3314: Tutorial help . Veterans may receive additional payments for tutorial assistance, not exceeding $ 100/month, for a maximum of 12 months, or up to a maximum of $ 1,200 in use.
  • Section 3315: License and certification tests . Veterans may receive payments for a license or certification test, not exceeding a lower than $ 2,000 or test fee.
  • Section 3317: Public-private contributions to additional educational assistance . Establish a system in which private universities and universities can participate voluntarily in the program. The government will pay up to 50% of the cost of larger than the most expensive public programs.
  • Section 3319: Authority to transfer unused educational benefits to family members. Allow transfer of veteran unused benefits to 1) spouse after six years of service with an agreement to serve at least four more years and/or 2) a child after ten years of service.
  • Section 3321: Time limitation for use and eligibility for rights . Veterans have 15 years (as measured under the terms of this Section) to use their educational rights.
  • Section 3322: Bar to duplicate the benefits of educational support . Veterans who receive educational allowances under this Act may not receive concurrent assistance under other similar programs; on the contrary, veterans must choose one program over another.
  • Section 3324: Administrative and cost allocation . In addition to discussing administrative items, this section also arranges ways for veterans to choose to vote into this Act program from the existing Montgomery G.I. Billing program.

src: images.slideplayer.com


Although the bill is widely regarded as an important part of legislation, some shortcomings in the new GI Bill have been noted. Specifically, the fact that service members who participate in the $ 600 Buy option will no longer be compensated. The Buy option allows active task members to contribute up to $ 600 more towards their MGIB. For every dollar of service-member contribution, the federal government contributes $ 8. Those who contribute the maximum ($ 600) will receive $ 5,400 in additional funds, but not until after leaving active duty. Additional contributions should be made while still active on duty. There is no stipulation on how the Purchase contribution will be handled under the new GI Bill, and the Veterans Affairs Department (VA) has stated that service members who choose the benefits of Chapter 33 will not be able to collect additional payments and no refunds. posted for $ 600 original.

Although the original bill excludes the activation of the state of the National Guard, effective October 1, 2011, the law was expanded to "include Active Services conducted by National Guard members under the title 32 USC for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instruction, or training the National Guard, or under section 502 (f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency. "

src: images.slideplayer.com

Legislative history

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), a decorated Vietnamese veteran and former Navy Secretary, initially introduced the Senate bill on the day after he was inaugurated (on 5 January 2007) as S. 22. His co-sponsoring principles include military veterans Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and John Warner (R-VA). The house counter bill was introduced by Bobby Scott (D-VA) Representative. On September 12, 2007, the bill became a bipartisan initiative when Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) sponsored the bill.

Having previously passed the House of Representatives and Senate in various forms in May 2008, mainly with the support of Democrats and some Republicans, the bipartisan agreement was mediated and the bill was passed as amendment to HR 2642, Additional Supplementary Draft FY08, commonly referred to as the Draft Bill on War.

On June 19, 2008, a veteran education assistance allowance, along with an extension of the 13-week unemployment benefit, was ratified as an amendment with a 416-12 vote. On June 26, the Senate voted 92-6 to support the final version of the bill. President George W. Bush signed H.R. 2642 becomes law as of 30 June 2008.

src: slideplayer.com

Bill supporters

Prior to the ratification, the bill received support from many National Organizations such as the American Legion, AMVETS, Veterans of Foreign War (VFW), Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), American Veterans with Disabilities (DAV), American Paralysis Veterans (PVA) and Veterans of American Students (SVA).

src: www.carroll.edu

Opponent Bill

The Congressional Budget Office report cited by opponents stated that retention would fall 16%, while supporters argue that the same study predicts recruitment will increase by 16% due to new incentives that the bill will produce. Senator Webb also pointed out that currently, "recent studies show that 70% of all enlisted members come out on or before their initial enrollment."

While President Bush initially threatened to veto the bill, in early June 2008 the White House signaled he may be willing to sign it along with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009. He wants to see a transfer between spouses and dependents added to Bill's new GI, making him is more valuable for career military personnel who want to pay for their spouses or their child's education. On June 19, 2008, this provision was added to the war funding bill and President Bush indicated he would sign the bill. This provision already exists with regard to Montgomery GI Bill for regular service members (MGIB-AD).

src: www.futurity.org

Position of presidential candidate

Among the early opponents of the bill was Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who has introduced a competing bill. Bill Senator McCain will increase the benefits of basic education by G.I today. The bill is almost $ 3,000 per year and plus $ 4,200 per year for service members who stay in the military for at least 12 years. With the provision of an additional diversion for continued military service, Senator McCain came to support the bill as it was changed to encourage additional services beyond three years, easing earlier concerns. Senator McCain, who has not voted in the Senate since April 8, campaigned in Ohio on June 26 and was absent for the last Senate election on the bill. The only other senator who did not vote was Senator Ted Kennedy, who was recovering after surgery to remove a brain tumor.

Then the United States Senator from Illinois and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who has expressed initial support for Webb's version of veteran education allowance, voted for the final bill on 26 June.

US Presidential 2008 campaign edition

In May 2008, this issue became a campaign issue with both candidates attacking the other party's position.

During the Senate debate on the bill, Senator Obama made the following comment:

Senator McCain responded in a written statement:

src: images.central-news.com

See also

  • G.I. Billing

src: www.law.uc.edu


src: images.central-news.com


src: fm.cnbc.com

External links

  • The Official GI Bill Website - US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • A review of the Bill GI and the new FAQ
  • Defenselink.mil
  • article

Source of the article : Wikipedia
