US Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) is a US federal law enforcement agency under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). ICE has two main components: Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Operation Enforcement and Removal (ERO). Headquartered in Washington, D.C., ICE is charged with investigations and enforcement of over 400 federal statutes in the United States, and maintains attaches at US embassies abroad.
The ICE chief's title is "ICE Director." The director is appointed at the sub-Cabinet level by the President, confirmed by the US Senate, and reports directly to the Secretary of Homeland Security. Until July 2010, the title was "Assistant Secretary." ICE is the second largest criminal investigation agency in the US government after the FBI.
Video U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement was established in accordance with the Domestic Security Act of 2002, following the September 11, 2001 incident. With the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, the functions and jurisdictions of some border and income enforcement agencies are combined and consolidated into US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. As a result, ICE is the largest investigative body of the Department of Homeland Security, and the second largest contributor to the National Terrorism Task Force.
Organizations that have been transferred entirely or combined to become part of ICE include investigative and intelligence sources from the US Customs Service, criminal investigations, detention and deportation of resources from Immigration and Naturalization Services, and Federal Protection Services. The Federal Protection Service was later transferred from ICE to the National Protection and Program Directorate on October 28, 2009. In 2003, Asa Hutchinson moved the Federal Air Marshals Service from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to ICE, but Chertoff moved them back to TSA in 2005.
Maps U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement are responsible for identifying and removing border security, economic, transport, and infrastructure vulnerabilities. There are estimates of more than 20,000 ICE employees in more than 400 offices in the United States including 46 other countries.
The organization consists of two law enforcement directorates and several support divisions led by a director who reports to the Executive Executive Director. The ICE division provides investigative, interdiction, and security services to the public and other law enforcement partners in the federal and local sectors.
- Director
- Deputy Director
- Enforcement and Removal Operations
- Division Removal
- Safe Community and Enforcement Division
- Immigration Health Services Division
- Mission Support Division
- Detention Management Division
- Local Field Office
- Home Security Investigation
- Domestic Operations Division
- Intelligence Division
- International Operations Division
- Mission Support
- National Intellectual Property Coordination Center
- National Security Investigation Division
- Management and Administration
- Enforcement and Removal Operations
- Deputy Director
Homeland Security Investigation (HSI)
HSI special agents investigate issues that threaten US national security such as human rights violations, human trafficking, art theft, human trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trade, document fraud and benefits, the manufacture and sale of fake immigration and identity documents, transnational gangs, financial crimes including money laundering and large-scale cash smuggling, trade-based money laundering (including trade finance and Kimberley Process investigations), computer crimes, including the production and transportation of child pornography via the internet, import/export law enforcement, the trade of counterfeit drugs and goods other merchandise, and crimes of Culture and International Cultural Crime. HSI Agents may be required to provide security for VIPs, and also add US Secret Service during overcrowded times such as special security events and elections.
HSI was formerly known as ICE Office of Investigations (OI). The HSI Agent has the legal authority to enforce the Immigration and Citizenship Act (Title 8), US customs law (Title 19), general federal crime (Title 18), Controlled Substance Act (Title 21), and Title 5, 6, 12, 22, 26, 28, 31, 46, 49, and 50 from the US Code. HSI has more than 6,500 specialized agents, making it the largest investigative body in the Department of Homeland Security and the second largest in the federal government.
The Intelligence Office is an HSI subcomponent that employs special agents and Intelligent Research Specialists to facilitate the demands of HSI's tactical and strategic intelligence. Collectively, these intelligence professionals collect, analyze, and disseminate intelligence for use by operational elements of DHS. The Intelligence Office works closely with intelligence components from other federal, state and local agencies. Many HSI field offices assign intelligence analysts to certain groups, such as financial crimes, counter-proliferation, narcotics, or document fraud; or, alternatively, they can be assigned to a housing intelligence unit, known as the Field Intelligence Group (FIG). HSI agents assigned to FIG generally focus on the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) collection.
International Operations
International Operations, formerly known as the Office of International Affairs (OIA), is an HSI subcomponent with agents stationed in 60 locations worldwide. The HSI foreign office, known as Attachà ©  © Office, works with foreign governments to identify and combat transnational criminal organizations before they threaten the United States. IO also facilitates domestic HSI investigations by providing intelligence from host countries, conducting collateral investigations, and facilitating international investigations conducted by field offices in the United States.
Custom Response Team
Seventeen HSI field offices maintain a Special Response Team (SRT) that operates as a federal SWAT element for office responsibility areas (AORs). SRT was established under the US Customs Service as Warrant Entry and Tactical Team (WETT) and renamed to SRT in 1998. SRT handles high-risk arrests and search orders, barricaded subjects, rural area operations, VIP protection, sniper coverage for high-risk operations, and security for National Security Events. HSI active SRT is located in Tampa, Miami, Arizona (Phoenix), New Orleans, Houston, New York, Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Antonio, San Juan, Detroit, San Francisco, El Paso, Chicago, San Diego, and Washington. , DC There is also a team of instructors and full-time assigned coordinators in Columbus, Georgia. These teams are primarily used to handle high-risk operations, but also help in events such as Hurricane Katrina, Haiti earthquake 2010, and other natural disasters around the world.
SRT is an open collateral assignment for HSI agents assigned to the office with a certified team. To qualify, the candidate must pass a physical fitness test, qualify with multiple firearms by shooting 90% or better in complete tactical equipment, and bypassing the oral interview process. If a candidate passes these stages and is selected on the local team, they are then appointed as a "Green Team" and allowed to practice with certified team members. Green Team Members are finally sent to the SRT Initiate Certification Courses at the Firearms and Tactical Firm, Fort Benning, Georgia's Tactical Operation Unit (OFTP/TOU) where they must pass additional physical fitness, firearms, scenario and written-based assessment. Of the approximately 6,500 special agents, currently there are only about 250 members of SRT nationally certified.
HSI SRT often exercises with federal, state and local teams, and also helps other teams during national events or large-scale operations that require multiple high-risk scenarios to be conducted simultaneously. The working relationship between the SRT and the US Department of Defense's Special Operations Command has caused SOCOM to provide SRT with excess Protection of Refractory Fires (MRAPs), firearms and other equipment designed for US Tier A. groups.
Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)
The ERO is responsible for enforcing the country's immigration laws and ensuring the departure of immigrants who can be transferred from the United States. The ERO uses deportation officers to identify, capture, and remove immigrants in violation of US immigration laws. The deportation officer is responsible for the transportation and detention of immigrants in ICE detention to include immigrant transfer to their home country. Deportation officers are demanding immigrants for immigration violations and US criminal law, monitoring cases during the deportation process, overseeing emigrants being released, and removing immigrants from the United States. The deportation officer operates a strategically placed Strategic Fugitive Operation Team that seeks to locate, capture, and remove immigrants who escape immigration and remain in the United States with an outstanding warrant for deportation. ERO maintains a Safe Community program that identifies immigrants who can be moved in prisons and prisons. Fingerprints submitted as part of normal criminal arrest and ordering process will automatically check the Integrated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) from the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) and the Automatic Biometric Identification System (IDENT) from the Department of Home Affairs Program US-VISIT Security.
ERO was formerly known as the Office of Detention and Lifting Operations (DRO).
Country Office, Local and Tribal Coordination (OSLTC)
OSLTC is ICE's primary communication and communication component for state, local and tribal stakeholders. Responsible for building and enhancing relationships, and coordinating activities with state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies and through public engagement. It also fosters and sustains relationships with federal, state and local government officials and coordinates the ICE ACCESS program (Community Cooperation Agreement to Improve Safety and Security).
Main Legal Counsel (OPLA)
The OPLA provides legal advice, training and services to support the ICE mission and defend the interests of the United States in administrative and federal courts, including representing the government of foreign nationals for purposes of abolition (formerly known as "deportation") process.
Professional Responsibility Office
The OPR is responsible for investigating allegations of errors involving ICE employees. OPR safeguards the organizational integrity of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Administration independently, independently and thoroughly investigates alleged violations of criminal or serious administration by ICE employees worldwide. In addition, OPR examines and reviews ICE offices, operations, and processes so as to provide executive management with independent reviews of agency health. In this role, the OPR assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of ICE in carrying out its mission.
Former unit
The Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) is reconciled to ICE immediately after the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. On October 16, 2005, Homeland Security Minister Michael Chertoff formally approved the transfer of the Federal Air Marshal Service from the Immigration Bureau & Enforcement of Customs (ICE) to TSA as part of a broader department reorganization to align functions consistent with the findings of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Phase Two Review" for:
- consolidate and strengthen law enforcement and aviation security at the Federal level;
- creates a common approach for stakeholder outreach; and
- improve the coordination and efficiency of aviation security operations.
As part of this rearrangement, the Director of the Federal Air Services Marshal also became Assistant Administrator for the TSA's Office of Law Enforcement (OLE), which houses almost all TSA enforcement services.
Federal Protective Service (FPS) was transferred from the General Services Administration (GSA) to ICE after the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The FPS was then transferred from ICE to the National Protection Program Directorate.
Originally part of the US Customs Office Investigation Office, the Air and Maritime Office (later called the Air and Marine Interdiction Division) was transferred to ICE in 2003 during the formation of the Department of Homeland Security, becoming the Office of Air and Sea Operations. Because part of a $ 500 million budget dispute between CBP and ICE, in 2004 ICE Air and Marine Operations was transferred to the US Customs and Border Protection. CBP Air and Marine are still working closely with ICE to support law enforcement operations in domestic and international agencies.
The Office of Policy and Planning for Detention is responsible for developing and maintaining the ICE National Defense Standard, which sets out detailed rules on how immigration detainees are treated differently from criminal inmates. In April 2017, President Donald Trump decided to close the office and stop entering the standard in the new prison contract.
Assistant Secretary and Director
Newly hired ICE law enforcement personnel received their training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia. To fulfill specific academic and practical divisions of instruction, the ICE Academy varies from 4 to 6 months depending on the position. Subsequently, after graduation, all ICE law enforcement personnel undergo additional post academy training, as well as ongoing career training. The special course curriculum is kept confidential, but both new ERO and HSI employees undergo training related to basic law enforcement tactics, immigration law, firearm training, emergency response, and Constitutional law. HSI Agents also received training on US customs laws, warrant services, advanced tactics, clandestine operations, criminal interrogation, weapons of mass destruction, and other subjects routinely encountered by HSI agents in the field. ERO deportation officers undergo several weeks of intensive Spanish language training before graduation.
Special agents HSI and ERO deportation officers issued the SIG Sauer P320C gun inside the 9mm cartridge, as their main pistol. Secondary weapons are on the list of official weapons issued by the agent to agents and officers. They can also be given Remington Model 870 or Colt M4 carbines. Agents can also be given Heckler & amp; Koch MP5 light machine gun.
ICE operates the only national radio communication system in the federal law enforcement community. The system, known as the National Law Enforcement Communication Center (NLECC) is based on Motorola and uses technology specifically designed for ICE known as COTHEN (Customs Over The Horizon Network). As a result, HSI special agents, ICE officers, and authorized customers can communicate with each other across the country using official NLECC repeaters and high-speed data lines. Its center, commonly referred to internally as Charlie-100 , is based in Orlando, Florida.
Investigation Program
National security
The National Security Division monitors the implementation of law enforcement operations in the investigation, detection, prohibition, prosecution and transfer of terrorists born abroad, terrorist supporters, and hostile foreign intelligence agents located in the United States. The Branch also has operational oversight of all HSI special agents assigned to the 103 Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), providing ongoing support to all anti-terrorism investigations and HSI field offices supporting counter-terrorism efforts and providing counter-terrorism proactive actionable information, in order to prevent and disrupt terrorist cells consisting of foreigners at home and abroad.
Transnational gang
In February 2005, ICE started Operation Community Shield, a national law enforcement initiative targeting violent transnational street alleys through the use of ICE's extensive law enforcement powers, including a unique and powerful authority to remove criminal immigrants, including illegal immigrants and permanent residents law. Under Operation Community Shield, ICE:
- Partner with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, in the United States and abroad, to develop a comprehensive and integrated approach to criminal investigations and other law enforcement operations against hard and other street gangs that pose a threat to public security.
- Identify violent street gangs and develop intelligence on their membership, associates, criminal activities, and international movements.
- Refuse, disrupt and disassemble gang operations by tracking and seizing cash, weapons, and other assets derived from criminal activity.
- Seek prosecution and/or removal of immigrant gang members from the United States.
- Work closely with our attache offices throughout Latin America and foreign law enforcement partners in collecting intelligence information, sharing information and carrying out coordinated enforcement operations.
- Make an outreach effort to raise public awareness about the fight against violent street gangs.
Drug trafficking
The HSI Agent shares a concurrent jurisdiction with the FBI and DEA in enforcing the Controlled Substance Act. HSI agents investigate drug trafficking organizations importing their products across US air, land, and water borders, and their smuggling methods, which include the use of high-speed vessels, cargo containers, aircraft, commercial trucks, commercial vessels and aircraft carriers.. HSI Agents impose various federal drug laws, and unlike DEA and FBI, may also use Title 19 of the US Code to prosecute drug traffickers for the import of drugs.
Investigations of smuggling of HSI drugs often work under the auspices of the Border Enforcement Task Force (HIDTA), the High Intensity Drugs Trade group (HIDTA), and the Organized Drug Eradication Task Force. Through the Memorandum of Understanding agreement, the main focus of HSI is the import and trade of the next illegal drugs, while domestic production and sales are the focus of the DEA.
The Cyber ​​Crime (C3) Section of Child Observation (C3) investigates the dimensions of large-scale producers and distributors of child abuse images, as well as individuals traveling in foreign trade for the purpose of having sex with minors. CES uses the latest technology to collect evidence and track individual and organized group activities that sexually exploit children through the use of websites, chat rooms, newsgroups, and peer-to-peer trading. This investigative activity is organized under Operation Predator, a program administered by CES. CES also conducts covert operations around the world to identify and capture violators. CES assists the field office and regularly coordinates major investigations. CES works closely with law enforcement agencies from around the world because the exploitation of children is a matter of global importance.
C3 brings the full range of ICE computers and forensic assets together at one location to combat Internet related crimes such as:
- The ownership, manufacture, and distribution of child abuse images.
- International money laundering and cyber-banking are illegal.
- Illegal weapons trade and illegal/controlled commodity exports.
- Drug trafficking (including illegal drugs).
- General Smuggling (including trading in stolen art and antiques, violations of Species Species endangered etc.)
- Intellectual property infringement (including music and software).
- Immigration violations; identity fraud and benefits
C3 consists of four parts, three of which provide technical services and cyber investigation, Cyber ​​Crime Section (CCS), Child Exploitation Section (CES), and Digital Forensic Division (DFS). The fourth section, Information and Administration Technology (ITAS), provides the necessary technical and operational infrastructure services to support the other three C3 sections. The center is a co-location of special agents, intelligence research specialists, administrative support, and contractors, all of which play a role in operational and technical sustainability. In each section, there are various program managers assigned to specific program areas. This program manager is responsible for supporting ICE Internet investigations through generating and deploying prospects that can be run. Program managers are available to provide guidance and training for field agents as well as other law enforcement (foreign and domestic) on request. The strategically located HSI Field Office has its own Cyber ​​Forensic Laboratory run by Computer Forensics Agents (CFAs). This CFA is a HSI special agent that has been extensively trained in cyber investigation techniques and protocols.
CCS is responsible for developing and coordinating investigations in which the internet is used to facilitate criminal acts. These investigations include fraud, theft of intellectual property rights, money laundering, identity and profit fraud, the sale and distribution of narcotics and other controlled substances, illegal arms trade and illegal exports of strategic/controlled commodities and smuggling and sale of other illicit goods. items such as art and cultural property. CCS is involved in the development of law enforcement Internet law enforcement methodologies, and new laws and regulations to strengthen US Siber Border Security. C3 supports ICE Office of Investigation (OI) domestic offices, along with ICE foreign representative offices with cyber techniques, and covert online investigation support.
- Pharmacist Operations: CCS, the HSI Commercial Fraud Section and the National Intellectual Property Coordination Center (IPR) have partnered together and launched a comprehensive Internet pharmacy initiative designed to target, capture, and prosecute individuals and organizations involved in smuggling controlled and uncontrolled pharmaceuticals and scheduled narcotics over the Internet. The focus is also on affiliates of pharmacies that are usually operated by criminal companies whose sole purpose is to generate large sums of money, regardless of the health and well-being of the people.
- Intellectual Property Rights: CCS has found thousands of websites based in the United States, as well as foreigners engaged in the sale of counterfeit merchandise (including music and software) over the Internet. CCS continues to work closely with the National IPR Coordinating Center, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property (CCIPS) Section at DOJ, and industry representatives to identify websites responsible for the sale of counterfeit goods.
- Weapons and Strategic Technology: The CCS works to prevent developing countries, terrorists, trans-national criminals from obtaining strategic materials, funds and support and to protect the American public from weapons of mass destruction and other terror instruments from entering the United States.
- Identify Fraud Initiative: The availability and use of fraud identification documents has always been a concern for law enforcement communities. Although traditionally available from street sources, fraud identification and travel documents, of all types, are also available for sale over the Internet. In the post-9/11 world, false identities and travel documents are of greater concern to ICE because of the alarming threat they posed to ICE's primary mission to protect the United States, and its citizens, from the threat posed by the movement of people. and goods entering and leaving the country. By handling these documents and their threats in mind, CCS has sought to identify sources for fraudulent identity and immigration documents on the Internet.
Child exploits
C3 CES investigates large-scale producers and distributors of child abuse images as well as individuals traveling in foreign trade for the purpose of having sex with minors. CES uses the latest technology to collect evidence and track individual and organized group activities that sexually exploit children through the use of websites, chat rooms, newsgroups and peer-to-peer trading. CES also conducts covert operations around the world to identify and capture violators. CES assists the field office and regularly coordinates major investigations. CES works closely with law enforcement agencies from around the world because the exploitation of children is a matter of global importance.
- Falcon Operation: A joint international picture of an ICE-led child abuse investigation that identifies 39 websites distributing child pornography. Further investigation led to the arrest of 1,200 international downloaders and more than 300 US customers. Nine people from the United States and Belarus were identified and charged as perpetrators in this investigation. All headmasters were convicted for allegations related to money laundering, structuring and the production and distribution of child abuse images.
- Operation Mango: An extensive investigation that closes a US-owned beach resort owned by a US citizen in Acapulco, Mexico, which offers children to sexual predators. This resort is a haven for pedophiles who travel to the facility for the sole purpose of having sex with minors. The business owner was punished. As a result of this and other investigations, the Mexican federal government has recently set up a task force to deal with crimes against children in the country.
- Saving Children's Operations We accidentally closed 84,000 legal subdomains of adult porn sites in excessive seizures that led to criticism of the DOJ's ex parte warrant process and potential abuse.
- The Internet Crimes Task Force on Children (ICAC): Department of Justice (DOJ) The Office of the Juvenile Justice Program, the ICAC Task Force consists of 45 task forces. The task force was created in collaboration with DOJ ICAC to provide reporting, the means to provide a virtual pointing system for Child Exploitation and child abuse case drawing and secure collaboration for Federal, State and Local law enforcement organizations, task forces, and affiliated groups across world. DHS/ICE strongly supports the ICAC task force effort as indicated by ICE special agents who are active ICAC members throughout the United States. ICAC Northern Virginia/Metro DC is housed in DHS/ICE C3.
- Predator Operations: ICE developed Operation Predators in 2003 to identify, investigate, and capture child predators and sexual offenders. Predator operation refers to the unique investigative and enforcement authority of ICE to protect children. Coordinate nationally and internationally, Operation Predator brings together ICE's various disciplines and resources to target child sex abuse.
As part of its efforts, ICE has created a National Child Sacrifice Identification System in partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), the FBI, the US Postal Inspection Service, the US Secret Service, the Department of Justice, the Crime of the Internet. Against Child Task Force and other institutions.
Arms Trading
The Immigration and Citizenship Act Section 287 (g) allows ICE to enhance cooperation and communication with the state, and local law enforcement agencies. Section 287 (g) authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to enter into agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, enabling officers appointed to enforce immigration law enforcement functions, under the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), provided that law enforcement officers local residents receive appropriate training and functions under the supervision of a sworn US immigration and customs officer. Under 287 (g), ICE provides state and local law enforcement with subsequent training and authorization to identify, process and, if necessary, withhold the immigration offenders they encounter during their regular daily law enforcement activities.
Program 287 (g) is highly controversial; has been heavily criticized for raising racial profiles by police and undermining public safety because unlawful immigrant communities are no longer willing to report crimes or talk to law enforcement.
Program 287 (g) is one of several ICE ACCESS (ICE programs "Community Cooperation Agreements for Improving Safety and Security") that enhance cooperation between local law enforcement and immigration enforcement agencies.
In addition, immigration officers (Form I-247) are notices that DHS issues problems with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to inform them that ICE intends to take care of an individual and requests that the LEA notify ICE before the time when individuals will be released. New detainer forms include:
- A request for the LEA to provide detainees with notice that ICE intends to take custody;
- Stresses that LEAS can only detain a person for a period not exceeding 48 hours and notices advising individuals that if ICE does not take them in custody within 48 hours, they should contact the LEA to inquire about their release;
- Guidelines for individuals who may have civil rights complaints or civil liberties related to ICE activities; and
- Emphasize that the presence of a detainer should have no impact or detrimental to an individual's detention condition.
The new form also allows ICE to make the detainer work only on the individual's belief in the offense he or she has captured.
ICE has played a key role in investigating and capturing people suspected of owning and distributing child pornography. Since most child pornography is produced outside the United States, HSI special agents use their authority to investigate people and groups passing by in this type of contraband, imports by traditional mail or internet channels are a violation of customs law.
Detention center
ICE operates detention centers throughout the United States that hold illegal immigrants detained and placed into the removal process. Approximately 34,000 people are held in immigration detention on certain days, in more than 200 detention centers, prisons, and national prisons. Because US cashier detention quotas, as mandated by the congress, that number will increase rather than decline. The quota requires at least 34,000 immigrants to be detained each night. This is the only law enforcement agency in the US with minimum quotas.
In 2006, the T. Don Hutto Housing Center opened specifically to house non-criminal families. Other important facilities are located in Lumpkin, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Elizabeth, New Jersey; Oakdale, Louisiana; Florence, Arizona; Miami, Florida; Seattle; York, Pennsylvania; Batavia, New York; Aurora, Colorado; Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, and along the Texas-Mexican border.
Death in custody
ICE has counted 107 deaths in detention from October 2003 to 2007. The New York Times and the American Civil Liberties Union recently obtained documents detailing the circumstances of this death, under the Freedom of Information Act. "The documents show how officials - some still in key positions - use their role as supervisors to cover up evidence of persecution, fend off surveillance by the news media or prepare a sideline public statement after gathering facts leading to inadequate care or harassment , " The New York Times is reported. Deaths in custody include the following cases:
- Boubacar Bah, a 52-year-old tailor from Guinea, was left in solitary confinement for more than 13 hours after falling and suffering a fracture before the ambulance was called. His family was not informed for five days from his injury. A video shows Bah in the medical unit, before the medical officer sends him to solitary confinement. In the tape, his hands were handcuffed behind his back, he faced down, and he called repeatedly in his mother tongue, Fulani: "Help, they kill me!" Telephone and email records indicate that ten agency managers based in Newark and Washington discuss how to avoid unwanted expenses and media attention. They are considering sending Bah back to Guinea and reviewing his canceled work permit to see if it is possible to obtain Medicaid or disability benefits. Eventually, they decided to release her to a cousin in New York who objected that they had no way to keep Bah; However, a few days before this release was planned, Bah passed away.
- Nery Romero is a 22-year-old Salvadoran immigrant with no previous history of mental illness who committed suicide in his cell at Bergen County Prison in New Jersey. At the time of his detention, he had recovered from an operation where a metal pin had been placed on his leg, seriously broken in a motorcycle accident, and took a strong prescription painkiller. According to Romero's cellmate and family, the authorities failed to give Romero painkillers despite repeated requests. In a letter written to his mother shortly before his death, Romero declared: "I am in hell, they do not give me anything for my pain."
- Sandra Kenley of Barbados, who received no treatment for uterine fibroids tumors, died at the Hampton Regionals Regional Prison in Portsmouth, Virginia in December 2006. An autopsy determines the cause of her death is acute coronary insufficiency due to cardiovascular hypertension of the disease.
- Abdoulai Sali died of an untreated kidney disease at Piedmont Regional Prison in Virginia.
- Young Sook Kim died at New Mexico Regional Prison in Albuquerque of pancreatic cancer in September 2006. He had requested for weeks to receive medical treatment, and died the day after he was taken to the hospital.
Company contract
The Kellogg, Brown and Root engineering and construction company (KBR) released a press statement on January 24, 2006, that the company has been awarded a no-contingency contract from the Department of Homeland Security to support its ICE facility in the event of an emergency. The maximum total contract value is $ 385 million and consists of a one-year basic period with four one-year options. KBR entered into an earlier ICE contract from 2000 to 2005. The contract provides for building temporary detention and processing capabilities to extend the existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities during emergency immigrant entry into the US, or to support the rapid development of new programs. The contract may also provide migrant prisoners support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, the company said.
ICE Air is an ICE flight division chartering a plane or commercial flight book to send people back to their home country. There are 10 aircraft used to send deportees and have a working list of 185 countries.
Deportees have legs and arms secured while riding, handcuffs removed during flight and all shackles are removed upon landing.
Sexual harassmentSexual harassment
The Intercept published a report by the Office of the Inspector General of DHS which revealed that 1,224 sexual abuse while in immigration custody had been filed between January 2010 and June 2017. Contrary to ICE claims, only 3% of these complaints were investigated.
Record amount of deportation
Between 2009 and 2016, President Obama deported 2.4 million immigrants, earning him the nickname "Deporter-In-Chief" by Janet MurguÃÆ'a, president of the National Council of La Raza. According to ICE data, about 40% of those deported by ICE in 2015 have no criminal convictions, while the majority of those convicted on minor charges.
See also
International agent comparable to ICE
- Australian Customs Service
- Canadian Border Service Agency
- Customs Control Service - Spain (only customs enforcement, immigration issues handled by the National Police and Civil Guardia). See also:
- Frontex - European Union (Schengen Area)
- Federal Migration Service (FMS) - Russian
External links
- Official website
- US. Enforcement of Immigration and Customs at Federal List
- US. Customs and Border Protection
- International agents comparable to ICE
- The RCMP - Canada Integrated Border Enforcement Team
Source of the article : Wikipedia