Minggu, 15 Juli 2018

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San Diego History and Map (1876) - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

The historical record of San Diego, California, region began in the state of California when San Diego Bay was first discovered by Europeans. San Diego was the first part of California where the Europeans settled, so San Diego was described as "the birthplace of California."

Native Americans like the Kumeyaay have lived in the area for 12,000 years. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo explorer found San Diego Bay in 1542, but 200 years before Europeans settled in the area. A fortress and mission was established in 1769, which gradually evolved into a settlement under Spanish and later Mexican rule.

San Diego became part of the United States in 1848, and the city was named after the county seat of San Diego when California was granted the state in 1850. It remained a very small city for decades, but rapidly developed after 1880 due to the construction and formation of various military facilities. Very rapid growth during and immediately after World War II. Entrepreneurs and advocates laid the groundwork for today-based economies in the military, defense industries, tourism, international trade, and manufacturing. San Diego is now the eighth largest city in the country and forms the heart of the larger San Diego metropolitan area.

Video History of San Diego

Periode pra-kolonial dan kolonial (Prasejarah-1821 )

This area has long been inhabited by Native Americans Kumeyaay. The first European to visit the area was Juan RodrÃÆ'guez Cabrillo in 1542. His landing was re-enacted annually at the Cabrillo Festival sponsored by the Cabrillo National Monument, but did not lead to settlements.

The Gulf and San Diego area is currently named them sixty years later by SebastiÃÆ'¡n VizcaÃÆ'no when he charted the Alta California coastline to Spain in 1602. Vizcaino was a merchant hoping to build a prosperous colony. After holding the first Catholic service held on California soil on the day of San Diego de Alcala, (also the patron saint of his army), he changed his name to bay. He left after 10 days and was enthusiastic about a safe harbor, a friendly native, and a promising potential as a successful colony. Though enthusiastic, Spain is not convinced; will be 167 years before colonization begins.

In 1769, Gaspar de PortolÃÆ' and his expedition established the Presidio San Diego (military post), and on July 16, Franciscan friars JunÃÆ'pero Serra, Juan Viscaino and Fernando Parron raised and 'blessed the cross', established the first mission in Las Californias, Mission San Diego de Alcala. The colonists began arriving in 1774. In the following year the Kumeyaay natives rebelled against Spain. They killed the pastor and two others, and set fire to a mission. Serra organized the rebuilding, and the fire-resistant adobe and roof-topped structure were completed in 1780. In 1797 the mission became the largest in California, with a population of more than 1,400 people suspected of moving Indian Indians "Mission Indians" to and associated with him. The structure of a roof-topped building was destroyed by an earthquake of 1803 but replaced by a third church in 1813.

Maps History of San Diego

The Mexican period (1821-1848)

In 1821 Mexico overthrew Spain in the Mexican War of Independence and created the Province of Alta California. The San Diego Mission was secularized and closed in 1834 and land was sold. 432 citizens petitioned the governor to form the pueblo, and Juan MarÃÆ'a Osuna was elected first alcalde ("city judge"), defeating PÃÆ'o Pico in the vote. Outside the city, Mexican land grants expand the number of California ranchos that are simply added to the local economy.

The original San Diego town is located at the foot of Presidio Hill, in what is now Old Town San Diego State Historic Park. The location was not ideal, a few miles away from navigable water. Imported and exported goods (especially fat and leather) should be carried on the La Playa Trail to the anchorages at Point Loma. This setting is only suitable for very small cities. In 1830 the population was about 600. In 1834 the presidio was described as "in the most devastating state, regardless of one side, where the commander lived, with his family, there were only two weapons, one was affixed, and the other had no carriage. half-dressed and half-hungry looking for garrisons, and they, he said, had no rifle. "The settlement was made up of forty brown huts and three or four larger ones, whitewashed by the nobility. In 1838, the city lost its pueblone status because of its diminished population, estimated at 100 to 150 inhabitants. It was later regarded as a suburb of Los Angeles.

During the Mexican-American War the city's controls were exchanged three times: once in July 1846 when the USS Cyane and the California Battalion took over, in October 1846 when the Californio forces took over, and again in October 1846 when the flag America is raised again on the pueblo. In November 1846, American control was secured with the arrival of reinforcements from the USS Congress . Following events near San Gabriel in early January 1847, peace returned to California.

Gaslamp Quarter History | Downtown San Diego, California
src: gaslamp.org

American City (1848-1900)

Alta California became part of the United States in 1848 following the US victory in the Mexican-American War and Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo. The inhabitants of "Californios" became American citizens with full voting rights. California was accepted in the Union as a state in 1850. San Diego, still little more than a village, was founded on March 27 as a city and was named the county seat of the newly established San Diego County. The US census reported the city's population as 650 in 1850 and 731 in 1860.

San Diego soon got into financial trouble because of excessive spending in poorly designed prisons. In 1852 the state abolished the city charter, which basically declared bankruptcy of the city, and installed a supervisory board of three state-controlled members to manage San Diego. The guardians remained in control until 1887, when a governing form of the mayors was installed under a new city charter.

Although about 10,000 people paused in San Diego on their way to the San Francisco gold field, few stayed, and San Diego remained rarely settled for much of the 1850s. Despite its small population, this decade brought in investors who saw the potential of San Diego. They buy a lot, and build houses and shops are rough. One, William Heath Davis, spent $ 60,000 to build a dock near the property he bought near the foot of Market Street today. Remembered as "Davis' Folly", it was completed in August 1851, but rarely used. In 1853, the Los Angeles steamers collided with the dock. The damage was never fixed. Not used and built badly, damage is not worth fixing. Davis tried unsuccessfully to sell it. Finally, in 1862, the Army destroyed it, using wood for firewood.

The dock failure is just one indication of the stressful time. Houses were dismantled and sent to more promising settlements. In 1860, many companies that were founded in the early 1850s were closed. Some surviving businesses suffer from water shortages, high shipping costs, and a declining population. Davis, however, kept trying. He unfurled the road network system, speculated on the ground in the business district, and built hotels and shops. When he ran out of money, leadership in boosterism was passed on to Alonzo Horton. The city looked shabby in 1867 when Horton arrived, but he could only see the glittering opportunity: "I've been almost all over the world and it seems to me to be the best place to build a city I've ever seen." He believes that the city needs a location closer to the water to boost trade. Within a month of his arrival, he had purchased more than 900 acres of downtown today for a total of $ 265, averaging 27.5 cents per acre. He started promoting San Diego by attracting businessmen and residents. He built the dock and started promoting development there. The area is called New Town or Horton Addition. Despite the rejection of the original settlers, who came to be known as the "Old Town", businesses and residents flocked to New Town, and San Diego experienced the first of many of its boom real estate. In 1871, government records were transferred to a new courthouse in New Town, and in the 1880s New Town (or city center) had completely covered the Old City as the heart of a developing city.

In 1878, San Diego was predicted to be a rival to the San Francisco trading port. To prevent that, Central Pacific Railroad manager Charles Crocker decided not to build an extension to San Diego, fearing it would take too much trade from San Francisco. In 1885, the transcontinental rail route came to San Diego, and the population flourished, reaching 16,159 in 1890. In 1906, the San Diego and Arizona Railway of John D. Spreckels were built to provide San Diego with a direct transcontinental rail network east. by connecting with the Southern Pacific Railroad line in El Centro, California. It became San Diego and the Arizona Eastern Railway. In 1933 the Spreckels heirs sold it to the South Pacific Railroad.

In 1912, the Council's restrictions on soap boxes led to a San Diego free-speech fight, a confrontation between the World Workers of the World on the one hand and law enforcement and custody on the other.

San Diego History Center | Balboa Park
src: www.balboapark.org

The emergence of a regional city (1900-1941)

The city grew in bursts, especially in the 1880s and back from 1900 to 1930, when it reached 148,000.

Gibraltar in the Pacific

In the period 1890-1914 the country became very interested in Pacific naval affairs, as seen in the Spanish-American War of 1898; US acquisition of Guam, Philippines and Hawaii; and the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914. San Diego is in a strategic location and strives to become "Gibraltar in the Pacific." Civil leaders such as real estate developer D. C. Collier and other Chambers of Commerce leaders, assisted by Congressman William Kettner actively lobbying the Navy and the federal government to make San Diego the ultimate location for naval, maritime and aerial bases. During World War I, the United States greatly expanded the Navy, and the city was eager to help. By the time the Marine Center and Training Center of the Navy opened in the early 1920s, the Navy had built seven bases in San Diego at a cost of $ 20 million, with another $ 17 million in the pipeline. The city's 'cultural accommodation' determines how the city will grow over the next few decades, and creates a military-urban complex rather than a tourist and health resort. With a reduction in naval expenditure after 1990, Chamber shifted its focus to tourism and conventions.

San Diego has a great harbor and weather; seems ready to become a world-class metropolis. But it is overshadowed by San Francisco and Los Angeles. Entrepreneur John D. Spreckels expressed the enthusiasm of San Diego's booster in 1923, as well as the disappointment that has not been fully developed:

"Why did I come to San Diego? Why did one of you come in? We came because we thought we saw an unusual opportunity here.We believe that it all points to this as a logical site for the big city and In short term, we have confidence in the future of San Diego We give our time and strength and our means... to help develop our city, and of course, our own wealth... What happened to San Diego "Why not a metropolitan city and ports that have other geographical and unique advantages? Why does San Diego always just miss the train, somehow? "

Military installations

The southern part of the Point Loma peninsula was set aside for military purposes in early 1852. Over the next few decades, the Army established a series of beach artillery batteries and named the Fort Rosecrans area. After World War II, the location of the former Rosecrans Fort at Point Loma was used for several Navy orders, including submarine bases and the Naval Electronic Laboratory; they were eventually consolidated into the Loma Naval Base Point. Other parts of Fort Rosecrans become the National Cemetery of Fort Rosecrans and Cabrillo National Monument.

The significant US Navy presence began in 1901, with the establishment of the Naval Coaling Station at Point Loma, and flourished during the 1920s. Camp Kearny was founded in 1917, closed in 1920, and then reopened; since 1996 has been the site Marine Marine Air Station Miramar. For a while, in whole or in part Camp Elliot (during World War II), the Sycamore Canyon Test Facility, and the Naval Air Station Miramar (with "Top Gun" fighter schools). Camp Marines Camp Matthews, who joined Camp Callan from 1941 to 1945, occupied the mesa near La Jolla from 1917 to 1964; the site is now the campus of the University of California, San Diego. San Diego Naval Base was founded in 1922, such as San Diego Naval Hospital. The San Diego Marine Corps Recruitment Deputy was commissioned in 1921 and the San Diego Naval Training Center in 1923; The Navy Training Center was closed in 1997.

In 1942, Pendleton Marine Corps Base Camp was founded 45 miles north of the city at 250,000 acres. It remains one of the Marine Corps training facilities. It became the home of the 1st Marine Division in 1946 and then the Sea Expedition Force I as well as some training orders. In 1975 the Marine Corps opened Camp Pendleton Refugee Camp to care for some of the hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees who fled after the Vietnam War disappeared.

In the early 1990s, twenty percent of the San Diego area's economy depended on defense spending.

Progressive Reform

San Diego provided strong support to the Progressive Movement that swept California early in the 20th century to purify the country from oppressive tops and company rules. Progressive progressives resent the political power of the South Pacific Railroad and the role of "Boss" Charles Hardy. The reformists organized and fought back starting with the 1905 city election. In 1906 they formed the Roosevelt Republic Club, and in 1907 the reformers supported the Non-partisan League. Led by Edgar Luce, George Marston and Ed Fletcher, Roosevelt Republican Club became the Lincoln-Roosevelt Republican League. The mayoral election of 1909 marked a major victory for the League, as did the 1910 election of Hiram Johnson as governor.

Marston was defeated for the mayor in 1913 (against Charles F. O'Neall) and again in 1917 (against Louis J. Wilde). The 1917 race in particular is a classic growth-vs-beautifying debate. Marston argues for better urban planning with more open space and large highways; Wilde argues for more business development. Wilde calls his opponent "Geranium George", painting Marston as being unfriendly to business. Wilde's campaign slogan was "More Smokestacks", and during the campaign, he drove a huge chimney on a truck in the city streets. The phrase "smokestone vs. geranium" is still used in San Diego to mark the kind of debate between environmental activists and growth advocates.

World Exhibition

San Diego hosted two World Fairs, Panama-California Expo in 1915-1916, and California Pacific International Exhibition in 1935-1936. The exposition leaves a lasting legacy in the form of Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo, and by popularizing the Spanish Colonial Revival Style and Architectural Revival Style locally and in Southern California as a national aesthetic and design influence. The Spanish Colonial Revival Architecture used in the design of the 1915 Exhibition was designed by architect Bertram Goodhue of the Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson companies in Boston, Massachusetts. He was inspired by his studies of Mexican architecture. The Federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) helped fund the 1935 exhibition, designed by architect Richard S. Requa.

Tuna industry

From the 1910s to the 1970s, the American tuna fishing fleet and the tuna-based cannery industry based in San Diego, recognized by the boosters as the "world's tuna capital". The first large tuna cannon San Diego, Pacific Tuna Peeling Company, was established in 1911. Others like Van Camp Seafood, Bumble Bee, and StarKist follow. Large fishing fleets support canning, mostly run by immigrant fishermen. The Portuguese began to flock to San Diego in the 1860s, and began immigrating in large numbers early in the 20th century, becoming the largest population of foreign fishermen born in San Diego. Japanese owners and fishermen are an important part of the industry, which makes up half of the workforce; at the peak of their involvement, they captured more than eighty percent of albacore capture. Later the workforce was dominated by immigrants from the Portuguese Azores and Italians.

By 1920, there were about 700 ships in Southern California involved in the tuna industry, and ten cans in San Diego. In 1922, Van Camp Seafood Company consolidated their canning facilities to San Diego, closing facilities in San Pedro. In the mid-1930s housewives in the Great Depression appreciated cheap and easy to serve food. In 1939, the tuna catch exceeded 100 million pounds. In the 1930s, laws were passed that sought to limit Japanese fishermen, and because of World War II the ships belonging to Japanese Americans were confiscated by the US Navy.

During World War II when fishing was not possible, 53 tuna boats and about 600 crew members served the US Navy as a "yippie fleet" (so called because the number of services started with YP, for Yard Patrol), also called "pork chop" "sending food, fuel and supplies to military installations throughout the Pacific Twenty-one of the ships disappeared and dozens of crew members were killed in this dangerous mission The Yippie ship won more than a dozen combat stars and several Excerpts of the Presidential Unit.

In the 1950s tuna fishing and canning was the third largest industry in San Diego, after the Navy and aviation. In 1951 there were over eight hundred fishing boats and nearly three thousand fishermen teleported in San Diego. The San Diego tuna fleet reached the top of 160 ships, and in 1962 employed some forty thousand San Diegans. Banker C. Arnholt Smith, a community leader, is a big investor. With Japan offering cheaper tuna after 1950, Smith worked to break the union using new technology and Peru's canning.

Industry suffers from rising costs and foreign competition. In 1980, Mexico captured American tuna ships, and confiscated the vessels with fishing gear (especially their fishing nets), after declaring an exclusive economic zone; this led to an embargo that greatly impacted the tuna fleet, and also led to an increase in frozen tuna imports. Greatly affecting the American tuna fleet, many ships moved to Mexico, or sold to operators in other countries. The last canning closed in 1984, with the loss of thousands of jobs.

The legacy of the tuna fleet is still felt in Little Italy, where most Italian fishermen live, and in the neighborhood of Point Loma in Roseville, it is still sometimes referred to as "Tunaville," in which many Portuguese fishermen and boat owners settled. There is a statue dedicated to cannery workers in Barrio Logan and the "Tunaman's Memorial" statue representing the fishermen on Shelter Island. The tuna industry is also commemorated by Tuna Harbor Park in San Diego Bay. The Bumble Bee Foods company is still headquartered in San Diego.


Philanthropy is an important part of San Diego's expansion. For example, the rich heir of Ellen Browning Scripps underwrote many public facilities in La Jolla, is a major supporter of the young San Diego Zoo, and along with his brother E. W. Scripps founded Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Other prominent philanthropists in this era were George Marston, businessman and owner of Marston's Department Store. Wanting to see Balboa Park become a big city park like in other cities, he hired architect John Nolen on two occasions, 1908 and 1926, to develop a master plan for the park. In 1907 he bought Presidio Hill, where the original San Diego Presidio, which had been destroyed. Recognizing the importance of being the first European residential site in California, he developed it into a park (planned by Nolen) on his own, and built the Serra Museum (designed by architect William Templeton Johnson). In 1929 he donated the park to the city, which still owns and operates it; now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Great Depression

San Diego faces the Great Depression challenge better than most countries. The population of San Diego County grew 38%, from 210,000 to 290,000, from 1930 to 1940, while the city itself changed from 148,000 to 203,000 - a figure much better than the country as a whole. There is enough money to build a golf course and a new tennis court, to improve the water system, and open a new Spanish-style campus for San Diego State College (now San Diego State University). The New Deal uses PWA aid money to expand the fleet, bringing more money to the city. In 1935, the entire Pacific Fleet assembled with 48 warships, 400 naval aircraft, 55,000 sailors and 3000 officers to demonstrate the importance of sea power to the city, and to showcase to Japan and the entire world of American interests in the Pacific. The expansion of naval and army flights led Consolidated Aircraft Corporation of Buffalo New York to bring 800 employees to San Diego, opening a large assembly plant, Convair, which built the Navy's flagship aircraft. Ryan Aeronautical Company, which built Spirit of St. Louis for the famous 1927 flight of Charles Lindbergh, also flourished. 7.2 million visitors to the California-Pacific International Exhibition in 1935-1936 were impressed with the prosperity of the city, as well as 400 exhibits from 23 countries.

Mission San Diego History - MissionTour
src: missiontour.org

War and postwar period (1941-present)

Since World War I, the military has played a major role in the local economy. World War II brought prosperity and gave millions of soldiers, sailors and pilots on their way to the Pacific to see opportunities in California. Plane factories grew from small craft stores to giant factories. The city population jumped from 200,000 to 340,000, as the Navy and Marines opened training facilities and aircraft manufacturers doubled their job list every few months. With 40,000 to 50,000 seafarers not on duty every weekend, the downtown entertainment district soon becomes saturated. The red light district is officially closed, but opportunities are easily available a few miles south in Tijuana, Mexico. Workers poured from cities and from across the country, creating severe housing shortages. Public transport (trolleys and buses) can barely meet demand, and cars are rationed only 3 gallons per week. Many wives are moved while their husbands train live in the city when their men are sent out and take on high-paying jobs in the defense industry. A dramatic increase in the need for clean water led the Navy in 1944 to build the San Diego Aqueduct to import water from the Colorado River; the city financed its second pipeline in 1952. In 1990, San Diego was the sixth largest city in the United States.

Industrial change

Convair is the largest company in San Diego, with 32,000 highly paid workers in the mid-1950s. In 1954 it was purchased and became the General Dynamics Conflict Division, a large aerospace conglomerate based in Texas. Convair has been very successful in the 1950s with B-36, a long-range bomber who became a hard worker of the Strategic Air Command. General Dynamics refocused Convair on commercial flights because Convair 240, a twin-engine passenger aircraft, proved very successful in the world market. Convair decided to move to a highly developed world market for medium-sized jet passenger aircraft with the Convair 880. The aircraft was designed to rival the proposed 707 Boeing, and proposed the DC-8 Douglas. Financial and technical delays caused Convair to lag far behind. After a massive loss, General Dynamics moved all elements of the plane to Texas, and left the San Diego plant with a small-scale space and missile project. Convair's work dropped to 3300 in San Diego.

When the Cold War ended, the military shrank and so did defense spending. San Diego has since become a growing center of the biotech industry and is home to Qualcomm's telecommunications giant. Beginning in the 1990s, cities and districts developed a nationally known beer industry; this area is sometimes referred to as "The Capital of American Beer Craft". By the end of 2012 there are 60 microbreweries and brewpubs in this area.


After acquiring the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1912, the University of California (UC) establishes its presence, with an emphasis on scientific research and cultural opportunities. Over the years, UC is running an expansion program in San Diego. In the 1960s, after the war and postwar periods of increasing population and economic growth in San Diego, UC became the center for a new campus there, and classes at UCSD began in 1964. Under Richard C. Atkinson, chancellor of the year 1980 to 1995, UCSD strengthens its relationship with the city of San Diego by encouraging technology transfer with developing companies, transforming San Diego into a world leader in technology-based industries. Personal grants rose from $ 15 million to nearly $ 50 million annually, faculty expanded by nearly 50%, and enrollment doubled to about 18,000 students during his tenure.

San Diego State University (SDSU) is San Diego's largest and oldest higher education facility. Founded in 1897 as San Diego Normal School, a public school for teacher preparation, located on Park Avenue at University Heights. In 1931 moved to a larger location in the Aztec Mesa, overlooking Mission Valley, where it later became the east bank of San Diego. In 1935, he expanded his offer beyond teacher education and became San Diego State College. In 1970 it became San Diego State University, part of the California State University system. SDSU has grown to a student body of over 30,000 and an alumni base of over 260,000.

The University of San Diego, a private Catholic school, began as San Diego College for Women in 1952, sponsored by the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1957, the campus at a hilltop site called Alcala Park was also home to the Higher Immaculate Heart Seminary and St. Louis Seminary. Francis. The historic Immaculata Chapel was also opened that year. In 1972, San Diego College for Women joined the San Diego College for Men and the School of Law nearby to become the University of San Diego.

City Center

The transformation of the downtown area from the poverty zones and poor housing became a major tourist attraction with a large number of jobs beginning in 1968 with the establishment of the Municipal Development Center Corporation. His urban renewal project focused on the Gaslamp Quarter, which began in 1968, with the goal of making the area a national historic district and bringing upscale and middle-class tourists and suburban residents to downtown San Diego. Since the 1980s, the city has witnessed the opening of Horton Plaza shopping center, the rise of the Gaslamp Quarter, and the construction of the San Diego Convention Center.


The recent explosion of condominiums and skyscrapers development (mainly focusing on mixed use facilities), gentrification trends especially in Little Italy, and the inauguration of Petco Park in the formerly bleak East Village highlighted sustainable developments in the city center. The population of the central city is expected to increase to 77,000 inhabitants by 2030; 30,000 people are currently in downtown San Diego.

The successful renewal by 'gentrification' is the Hillcrest neighborhood, known for its historic architecture, tolerance, diversity, and locally-owned businesses, including trendy restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, trendy grocery stores and other independent specialty stores. Hillcrest has a high population density, compared with many other neighborhoods in San Diego, and has a large and active lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

This extension extended to the surrounding neighborhood in the 1990s, especially in older urban neighborhoods immediately north of Balboa Park such as North Park and City Heights.


In July 1971, the Republican National Committee voted for San Diego to become the site of the 1972 Republican National Convention, despite early opposition from city mayor Frank Curran and despite the fact that the city initially did not bid for the occasion. It is widely believed that San Diego was chosen because it was the preferred choice of President Richard Nixon. The city and the party are making arrangements for the convention when in March 1972 a $ 400,000 contribution to the event by ITT Corporation was published and became a national scandal. In addition, there is an ongoing problem with the proposed venue (San Diego Sports Arena) and concerns about adequate hotel space. In May 1972 the Republican National Committee voted to move the convention to Miami, Florida. In response, Mayor Pete Wilson proclaimed the week of the convention as "The Best City Cities in America", giving rise to the city's unofficial slogan of "America's Best City".

The 1996 National Convention of the Republic was held in San Diego in August 1996, headquartered in the San Diego Convention Center.

The largest annual convention held in San Diego is the San Diego Comic-Con International, which was established as a Golden State Comic Book Convention in 1970. According to Forbes, this is "the largest convention of its kind in the world".


The National Bank of the United States, headquartered in San Diego and owned by C. Arnholt Smith, grew during the 1960s to become the 86th largest bank in the country with a total asset of $ 1.2 billion. Failed in 1973 in the biggest bank failures to date. The reason is bad loans to companies controlled by Smith, which exceeds the legal bank loan limit. Smith had used bank money for his private business and bribed the bank inspector to cover it up. He was convicted of embezzlement and tax fraud and served seven months in federal prison in 1984.

During the 1980s the city was shaken by the disclosure that J. David & amp; Co., an investment company run by J. David "Jerry" Dominelli who is well connected, proved to be a Ponzi scheme that has tricked hundreds of investors for roughly $ 80 million. Dominelli was convicted in 1984 and serving a sentence of 10 years in prison. Affiliation with the mayor of the past Roger Hedgecock caused a pair of sensational experiments in which Hedgecock was found guilty of conspiracy and perjury in connection with the contribution he received from Dominelli. Hedgecock was forced to resign from office; his conviction was finally reversed, except one that was reduced to a minor offense.

The civil scandal erupted in 2003 with the discovery that the city's finances had been manipulated with huge losses in the pension scandal. He left the city with approximately a pension fund of $ 1.4 billion. One result was to replace the council-manager form of government with the mayor's council system in 2004. Although not accused of wrongdoing, Mayor Dick Murphy resigned effectively in July 2005. Deputy Mayor Michael Zucchet took over as mayor of acting but had to resign three days later, when he and fellow city council member Ralph Inzunza was convicted in federal court for taking bribes in a plan to overturn a "no touch" law at the city's strip clubs. Their criminal convictions require that they withdraw from the city council. All three council members accused of having died before the trial. Zucchet's confidence was later canceled. Inzunza was sentenced to 21 months in prison.

In July 2013, Mayor Bob Filner was accused by many women for repeated sexual harassment, and many individuals and groups, including former supporters, called for him to resign. On August 19, Filner and city representatives entered the mediation process, as a result of which Filner agreed to resign, effective August 30, 2013, while the city agreed to limit its legal and financial exposure. Filner later pleaded guilty to one count of false imprisonment and two minor offense charges, and was sentenced to house arrest and probation.

Beyond matters relating to municipal authorities, San Diego has experienced scandals at the Federal level as well. On November 28, 2005, Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham resigned after pleading guilty to bribery allegations; he was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

San Diego Natural History Museum - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

History of ethnic and cultural groups

Californios and Chicano/Hispanic

After 1848, Californios consisted of a numerical majority and owned most of the property; they gain cultural and social recognition, but they fail to control the political system. By 1860, most had left the area and the rest suffered an economic downturn.

In World War II, Hispanics made major breakthroughs in the work of San Diego and in nearby farm districts. They benefit from the new skills, contacts, and experience provided by the military, filling in a lot of unskilled newly opened labor, getting high-paying jobs in military installations and aircraft factories, and welcomed by unions, especially Cannery Workers. Unity.

In recent decades, advertisers have recognized the purchasing power of local Latin society. They have invested in Spanish-language television, especially UnivisiÃÆ'³n and Telemundo. The older generation watches Spanish broadcasts. The young Hispanic generation in San Diego (and other ethnic groups as well) rarely read Spanish and quickly leave the verbal form except in dealing with their parents. Rumbaut et al. concluded, "Mexican immigrants arriving today can only expect 5 out of every 100 of their great grandchildren to speak Spanish fluently."

Chinese community

Immigrants from China began to arrive in the 1860s and settled in two coastal fishing villages, one at Point Loma, another in the New Town area where the San Diego Convention Center now stands. The Chinese were roughly discriminated against in California and forced into Chinatown. In San Diego there is more freedom; there were no attacks on about 50 Chinese fishermen there. Indeed, they were pioneers in the industry in the 1860s; The peak came in the 1880s. They specialize in abalone for export to the Chinese community along the Pacific coast. A reporter reported, "Even shark fins are eaten by Chinese, and by them are appreciated as delicious food - like delicious food like Chinese will become sharks." By the 1890s the fishermen had gone; some returned to China, others took jobs on land.

The Chinese continue to settle in San Diego and find jobs in the fishing industry, railroad construction, service industry, general construction work, food industry, and merchandising. They were forced to enter the enclosed Chinatown but instead received a less harsh attention than the Chinese in other places in the West.

They immediately formed a district association, family and clan associations, secret societies, and business unions, including Chee Kung Tong (est 1885), Consolidated Consolidated Association of China (est. 1907), Bing Kung Tong (est. 1922), and Ying On Tong (est 1945). In the 1870s and 1880s, two Chinese Christian missions were organized to help Chinese people with housing, employment, recreational activities, and English teaching. The Chinese population increased dramatically, especially after the 1965 Immigration Act enabled a large number of entrepreneurs and professionals to migrate from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China. Many Chinese Americans attain prominent community status, including Tom Hom, a member of the city council and state lawmakers.

The twentieth-century San Diego Chinese Community comprises a heterogeneous population that includes Cantonese-speaking, Mandarin-speaking, and Hokkien-speaking people, as well as people from various places of origin, including Southeast Asia. Many in the San Diego community have joined together to determine and advance their Chinese-American identity.

African Americans

A small African American population before World War II naval expansion. Local NAACP chapter is off. Beginning in 1953, the Urban League brings together black and white professionals and entrepreneurs and encourages white business owners to employ blacks. Unlike other Urban League branches, he builds a coalition with the Mexican American community of San Diego. Even recently in 2008, African-Americans accounted for only 7.8% of San Diego's city population, and 5.1% of San Diego County.

For more than 100 years, San Diego's second oldest neighborhood, Logan Heights, is home to African Americans. This neighborhood, along with Downtown and Sherman Heights, is one of only a few areas where blacks are allowed to buy and stay at home. After the 1960s and Civil Rights Act, blacks began moving from Logan Heights to areas such as Emeral Hills, Encanto, and Oak Park. Logan Heights is still home to many black churches, some 100 years old. On Sunday, hundreds of blacks returned to Logan Heights to attend the churches where they grew up. Old Victorian houses still exist in the Logan Heights area.

The founders of the black community are all buried in the Logan Heights/Mountain View area of ​​Mount Hope Cemetery and Greenwood Cemetery. There are streets named after some founding fathers at Logan Heights including Julian, Irving, and Logan. For over 70 years, Logan Heights residents were 90% black, but beginning in the 1980s, demographics changed to being dominated by Hispanics. The environment has complained that it does not get the respect or attention it deserves from city leaders because of its minority status.

The history of the African American community in San Diego from the 1940s to the 1980s is documented in Baynard Collection, a 120 photo exhibit selected by Norman Baynard, who manages a photography studio in Logan Heights for 46 years. This collection is on display at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation.


San Diego has historically been a popular destination for Filipino immigrants, and has contributed to population growth. The first documentation of Filipinos arriving in San Diego, while part of the United States, occurred in 1903 when Filipino students arrived at the Normal State School; they were followed as early as 1908 by Philippine sailors serving in the United States Navy. Due to the discriminatory housing policy of the time, the majority of Filipinos in San Diego lived in the city center, around the Market. Some businesses serving Filipino communities, either living in San Diego or migrating, are in areas that form the center of the Filipino American community, which lasts until at least the 1960s. Before World War II, due to anti-arbitrary laws, multi-racial marriages with Hispanic and Latin women were common, especially with Mexicans.

After World War II, the majority of Filipino Filipinos in San Diego were associated with the US Navy in one form or another, even in the late 70s and early 80s more than half of Filipino babies born in the greater San Diego area born in Balboa Naval Hospital. In 1949, the first Filipino building of America was opened in San Diego by the American Veterans Association of the Philippines. In the 1970s, a typical Filipino family consisted of a husband whose work was related to the military, and a wife who was a nurse; this continued into the 1990s. Many Filipino veterans, after completing active duty, will move from San Diego, to the suburbs of Chula Vista and National City. The Philippines is concentrated in the South Gulf; more prosperous Filipino Americans are moving to the suburbs of the Northern District, especially Mira Mesa (sometimes referred to as "Manila Mesa"). Beginning in the late 1980s, the community experienced growth in gang activity, especially in South San Diego. A portion of California State Route 54 in San Diego is officially called the "Philippine-American Highway", in honor of the Philippine American Community.


As a port city San Diego has always had a gay and lesbian community, but mostly it's closed. Beginning in the 1960s, Hillcrest's neighborhood began to attract large numbers of gay and lesbian occupants, attracted by low rent, high density, and possibly urban dynamics. In the 1970s, gay men set up a Social Services Center at Hillcrest that became the social and political focus for the gay community. In June 1974 they launched the first Gay Pride Parade, which has been held every year since then, and Hillcrest is known as the focal point of the LGBT community. Also in the 1970s several churches, notably the Church of the Independent Metropolitan Community, as well as established denominational movements such as Dignity (Roman Catholic), Integrity (Episcopalian), and Lutherans Concerned, formed a coalition that helped gay reinterpret Bible verses condemning homosexuality , and reconciling their sexual orientation with their religious faith. All of this helps promote public understanding.

Many LGBT politicians have managed to run for positions in the city of San Diego and the region, including Christine Kehoe, former state senator, assemblymember state, and city council; Bonnie Dumanis, county county attorney; Toni Atkins, the preparing state, former city council; Carl DeMaio, a former member of the city council; Todd Gloria, president of city council, former interim mayor; and Dave Roberts, regional supervisor.

In 2011 San Diego was the first city in a country where active and retired military service members marched openly in a gay pride parade, in anticipation of the immediate removal of the "Do not ask, do not tell" rule for the US military. personnel. They do not wear military uniforms, but T-shirts with the name of their official branch. The following year, 2012, San Diego re-recorded history when the US Department of Defense gave permission for military personnel to wear their uniforms while participating in the San Diego Pride Parade. This is the first time US military personnel have been allowed to wear their service uniforms in such parades. Also in 2012, the march starts from Harvey Milk Street, the first street in the country named after the gay rights icon of Harvey Milk, and continues through a new big rainbow flag, which was raised for the first time on July 20, 2012. to start the Pride festival.

San Diego Natural History Museum (theNAT) | Balboa Park
src: www.balboapark.org

See also

  • Timeline San Diego

San Diego Zoo, USA
src: ttnotes.com


History | San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
src: www.sdmts.com

Further reading

  • Colvin, Richard Lee. Tilt on the Windmill: Reform School, San Diego, and American Race to Upgrade Public Education (Harvard Education Press; 2013) 248 pages; Checked reform of former prosecutor Alan Bersin as supervisor of the San Diego School of Integrated Districts between 1998 and 2005.
  • Engstrand, Iris H. W. San Diego: California's Cornerstone (1980), quote and text search, history by a distinguished scholar
  • Garcia, Mario T. "Chicano's Perspective on the History of San Diego," San Diego's History Journal (1972) 18 # 4 pp 14-21 online
  • Linder, Bruce. San Diego Navy: An Illustrated History (2001)
  • Lotchin, Roger. Bad City in Good War: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Diego (2003) text search and quotes
  • Lotchin, Roger. Fortress California, 1910-1961 (2002) search text and quotes, covering military and industrial roles
  • Mills, James R. San Diego: California Started (San Diego: San Diego Historical Society, 1960), online revision edition
  • Pourade, Richard. The Explorers (1960); Clock Time (1961); The Silver Dons (1963); The Glory Years (1964); Gold in the Sun (1965); The Rising Tide (1967); and City of the Dream (1977), a seven-volume history illustrated by the San Diego Union newspaper editor
  • Pryde, Philip R. San Diego: Introduction to Territories (fourth edition 2004), historical geography
  • Shragge, Abraham. "'New federal city': San Diego during World War II," Pacific Historical Review (1994) 63 # 3 pp 333-61 at JSTOR
  • Starr, Kevin. "Gibraltar of the Pacific: San Diego Join the Navy," at Starr, The Dream Endures: California Entering the 1940s (1997) pp 90-114, covering the 1880s-1940
  • Starr, Kevin. "Urban Expectations: San Diego Utilizing Yourself to Be a Great City Status," at Starr, Golden Dreams: California in the Abundance Age, 1950-1963 (2011) pp 57-87
  • Starr, Kevin. "Play Ball: San Diego in the Premiership," at Starr, Coastal Dreams: California on the Edge, 1990-2003 (2004) 372-81

San Diego History Center | Places To See in San Diego
src: placesinsandiego.com

External links

  • San Diego Historical Center

Source of the article : Wikipedia
