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AIM | A trusted name in Health Care in Israel
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Healthcare in Israel is universal and participation in health insurance plans is mandatory. All Israelis are entitled to basic health care as a fundamental right. The Israeli health system is based on the National Health Insurance Act of 1995, which mandates all citizens of the country to join one of four official health insurance organizations, known as Kupat Holim (??????? - Sick Funds ) that are run as non-profit organizations and are prohibited by law to refuse membership of Israelis. The Israelis can increase their medical coverage and increase their options by purchasing private health insurance. In a survey of 48 countries by 2013, Israel's health system ranked fourth in the world in terms of efficiency, and by 2014 ranked seventh of 51. In 2015, Israel ranked sixth in the world's healthiest nation by Bloomberg ratings and eighth in terms of life expectancy.

Video Healthcare in Israel


era Ottoman

During the Ottoman era, health care in Palestine was poor and underdeveloped. Most medical institutions are run by Christian missionaries, who attract poor people by offering free care. At the end of the nineteenth century, when Yishuv, the pre-state Jewish community, began to grow after the First Aliyah, the Jews sought to build their own medical system. In 1872, Max Sandreczky, a German Christian physician, settled in Jerusalem and opened the country's first children's hospital, Marienstift, which received children of all religions. The Jewish agricultural settlement, financially supported by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, hired a physician who travels among the community and runs a pharmacy in Jaffa that he visits twice a week.

In 1902, the first Jewish hospital, Shaarei Zedek, opened in the Old City of Jerusalem. Additional Jewish hospitals were built in Jerusalem and Jaffa. In 1911, the Judea Workers Health Fund, which later evolved into the Clalit Health Service, was established as the country's first Zionist health insurance fund.

During World War I, the Ottoman rulers closed Jewish hospitals in Jerusalem and Jaffa. The Ottoman Army confiscated medical equipment and compiled most of the doctors. With the end of war and the conquest of Palestine, Yishuv was left without an effective hospital system. In 1918, the Zionist Women's Hadassah Organization of America established the American Zionist Medical Unit (AZMU) to rebuild the Yishuv medical system. With help from AZMU and foreign contributions, Jewish hospitals reopened, and newly established ones in Jaffa. In 1919, the hospital opened in Safed and Tiberias, and a hospital opened in Haifa in 1922. AZMU was transformed into Hadassah Medical Federation, which oversaw Yishuv's health system.

English Mandate

With the start of British government, steps are taken to improve public health in the area. They began during the British military rule, and continued to grow with the establishment of the British Mandate in 1922. In Jerusalem, the piles of garbage that were stacked were removed, public trash bins were installed; the entire population was vaccinated against smallpox, and ponds and tanks were covered with mosquito repellent as part of a campaign to combat malaria. In 1929, the Zionist Commission and the British authorities sent Jewish epidemic Gideon Mer to Rosh Pinna to establish a laboratory for malaria research. Mer Laboratory plays an important role in eradicating disease. The campaign against malaria was led by Hadassah until 1927, when it handed responsibility to the authorities. The Mandate Government also operates the Ministry of Health which operates its own hospitals, clinics and laboratories. The Department of Health primarily cares for British personnel stationed in Israel and provides health services to the Arab population. Little is invested in Jewish health, because it is assumed that Yishuv is able to manage his own health care system. With the expansion of Yishuv through Third and Fourth Aliyah, the number of new Jewish medical facilities grew. The number of hospital beds Hadassah tripled. New Jewish hospitals and health insurance funds are also established. Other health care providers besides Hadassah are the Histadrut labor federation, which has its own ill funds and in 1946 operated two hospitals and hundreds of clinics and health centers. In addition, several private health centers and health funds were also established.

The State of Israel

Yishuv's health system established the basis of Israel's health system with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The Israeli government replaced the health department of the British Mandate with the Ministry of Health, and established regional health and epidemiological services. Hospital facilities formerly run by British authorities are taken over by the state, and new hospitals and clinics are established. By the end of 1948, only 53% of Israel's Jewish population was insured, about 80% of them by Clalit, with some small health funds insuring the rest. Over the following years, the Israeli health system expanded, and within a decade, about 90% were insured.

In 1973, a law was enacted that forced all employers to participate in their workers 'health insurance, by way of direct payments to their workers' insurance plans. Participation work finally changed and decreased in 1991.

Until the enactment of the National Health Insurance Act in 1995, the Israeli health system was based on a series of independently operated Sick Funds, known as Kupot Holim. The Holim Kupat largest is Clalit Health Services, owned by the Histadrut labor federation. Initially there were five other Holam Holes, though the number was reduced to four after the two of them joined. There is a series of government-owned hospitals, with 29 government-operated hospitals in 1987. Clalit has a series of hospitals, as well as clinics in almost every town, village, village, and kibbutz. There are other organizations that maintain some of their own medical facilities and fund care at their clients' hospitals in government hospitals. For health insurance, people have to pay a premium that varies according to income. The government also subsidizes health funds. Finally, there are some private doctors and very few private hospitals, and some very expensive health plans include private healthcare. The level of health coverage provided varies between Holot Cohort. In addition, Clalit is the only one that does not limit the entry of new members by age, pre-existing conditions, or other factors, and membership in Histadrut is a prerequisite for membership with Clalit. This means that people who do not have such affiliates and can not join other insurance plans do not have health insurance coverage. Over 90% of the population is insured.

In 1988 the government appointed the Commission of Inquiry to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of Israel's health care system, led by Shoshana Netanyahu. The Commission submitted its final report in 1990. The main recommendation of this report is to enact the National Health Insurance law in Israel. The National Health Insurance Act came into force on 1 January 1995. Following the enactment of the law of 1995, membership in one of the four Holim Cats is legally guaranteed, with Israelis entitled to the same service basket and to switch between them one time. year.

In the late 2000s, the shortage of doctors and nurses in the future was of concern, as the level of doctors who graduated from Israeli medical school each year dropped to 300, 200 less than necessity, and many doctors of Soviet immigrants and nurses began to retire. The number is expected to increase to 520 with the opening of a fifth medical school, but still below 900 graduates that will be needed by 2022. This is due to concerns of a shortage of medical personnel, which would jeopardize medical quality and speed. care in this country. As a result, Israel began offering incentives to Jewish doctors to emigrate from abroad and practice medicine in Israel. Initially, only about 100 doctors from the Soviet Union immigrated under the program each year, but the program now attracts doctors from North America and Western Europe. An investigative committee investigating the issue also called for incentives to offer to Israeli medical students who have not been accepted in Israel and have gone abroad to study medicine to return to Israel, and for a program involving 150 international students studying medicine in Israel. should be closed. In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Health announced the launch of a new nursing assistant profession, and improved nursing education programs in college. Israel has also started a program where doctors from Eastern Europe are working in Israel in areas such as pediatrics and internal medicine.

Maps Healthcare in Israel

National Health Insurance Act

Under the National Health Insurance Act, membership in one of the following four Health Care Organizations, or Holon Kupot ( Patient Fund ) is mandatory for all Israelis: Clalit, Maccabi, Meuhedet and Leumit. Clalit is the largest of the four, with about 54% of its population. Four Holim Holes are required to provide a list of health care uniforms, known as "Healthcare Baskets" ("Sal Briut ), for all members - a list of medical and nursing services that each Kupat Holim is required to fund its members. The law establishes a system of direct supervision of the Holim Kupot by the state, and certain services are under the direct administration of the State, usually through the Ministry of Health.

Health Basket covers all medical diagnostic and treatment costs in family medicine, inpatient (general, maternity, psychiatry and chronic), preventive medicine, surgery (including elective surgery), transplantation, treatment for drug abuse and alcoholism, medical equipment and equipment, first aid and transportation to medical facilities, midwifery and fertility treatments, treatment, treatment of chronic diseases and paramedical services such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and mental health care. Drugs for serious illnesses that are part of a regular (large and regularly updated "basket of medicine") legs are included, although patients have to pay some for these drugs with copays: the drugs included in the basket are covered with rates varying from 50% to 90%. IVF treatment for the first two children up to age 45 and abortion is also discussed.

In general, each Holim Kowel allows members to choose primary care physicians and specialists from the list of doctors associated with the fund. The availability of services differs by location, as each of these organizations operates their own medical facilities, including private hospitals.

In addition to the Health Cart provided to all citizens, providing coverage for basic and essential health care, each of Holim Kupat funds provides their members with the option to obtain "additional insurance" (????????), which includes services and care not covered by publicly funded systems, including a wider range of operations, therapies, medicines, and wider travel insurance. Members can get additional insurance from their Holim Cats by paying an extra premium, though they tend to be low. Holmed Holes are prohibited by law to deny members participation in additional health insurance plans, and should not discriminate under pre-existing conditions. However, premiums are based on age, and are divided into specific age groups. In addition, non-essential services can also be funded by citizens who share the costs with their employers.

While Holot Holes usually include medical care in Israel, they can fund medical procedures abroad when such procedures can not be obtained in Israel. There is a $ 250,000 limit at no cost to pay for treatment abroad, although the limit may be ignored by the Director General of the Department of Health.

Every member of Holim Cats can switch to another once a year. There are six specified dates where people can transfer depending on when they signed up for the previous one. In special circumstances, it is possible to petition the Ministry of Health to revise the change or register earlier than the official date.

The law establishes a public funding system for health care using progressive health taxes, administered by Bituah Leumi, or the National Insurance Agency, the Israeli social security organization, which transfers funds to Holim Kupot according to a certain formula based on the amount members in each fund, age distribution of members, and a number of other indexes. The Holim Kupot also received direct government funding. Wage and entrepreneurial income must pay 3.1% of their monthly salary up to NIS 5,804 and 5% of whatever is earned on top of that. Employers are legally obliged to deduct insurance contributions from their employees' salaries, while self-employed entities should arrange their own payments. Pensioners have cut contributions from their pensions, as well as those who receive unemployment benefits. Those who do not work but have income should pay 5% of their income in health premiums, while those who do not work and have no income should pay NIS 170 a month. Only selected categories of people are exempt from health premium payments. Minor dependent children are excluded. Unemployed housewives are released unless they receive a pension or their spouses receive a pension increase. In addition, those who immigrated to Israel under the Return Law, and citizens of Israel who were born abroad or abandoned as minors, and who reside in Israel are entitled to a year of free health insurance if they are not employed, subject to on some exceptions.

While most public health services are covered by Holim Kupot under the National Health Insurance Act, prenatal care, postnatal and geriatric care services are run directly by the Ministry of Health.

Government spending on health care is about 60% of the total, well below the average for OECD countries of 72%.

Although most of the population is covered by the National Health Insurance Act, some exceptions apply to people receiving state-funded healthcare by other means. All soldiers except those found to be unhealthily medical for service but voluntarily were not covered by their Holim Cats during their military service, but received health care through the military health care system. After leaving the military, the soldiers rejoined Holim's previous Kupat. Disabled veterans are covered by the Department of Defense. In addition, some defective World War II veterans and Nazi victims were eligible for certain types of health benefits from the Ministry of Finance. New immigrants who have not registered with Holim Kupat and are in desperate need of health care can apply for coverage from the Ministry of Health's General Ombudsman. Right

under the National Health Insurance Act

  • Every citizen of Israel is entitled to health care services under the National Health Insurance Act.
  • Every resident has the right to register as a member of Holim's chosen Clinic, free of any prerequisite or limitation derived from his age or health status.
  • Every resident shall have the right to receive, through Holim Kupat where he is a member, all services included in the medical services basket, subject to medical discretion, and to a reasonable level of quality, within reasonable limits of the period of time and distance entered sense of his home.
  • Each member has the right to receive health services while safeguarding members' dignity, privacy, and medical confidentiality.
  • Every citizen of Israel has the right to transfer from one Kupat Holim to another.
  • Each member has the right to choose a service provider, such as a doctor, caregiver, therapist, hospital and institute, from within the list of providers who have entered into agreements with Holim Kupat who are members, and in an on-site arrangement for the selection of service providers, and which I Holim published from time to time.
  • Each member has the right to know which hospitals and institutes, and other service providers, are included in the agreement with Kupat Holim, and what are the selection processes in Kupat Holim.
  • Each member has the right to view and receive copies of the Holim Kupat rules.
  • Every citizen has the right to receive full information from Holim Kupat on HMO payment arrangements for health services as well as Holim Kupat plans offered for additional health services (CIP).
  • Each member has the right to file a complaint with the Public Inquiries commissioner at the medical institution that cares for the member, to the person responsible for the investigation of a member's complaint in Kupat Holim where he or she belongs, or to the commissioner's complaint for the health insurance law national in the Ministry of Health.
  • Each member has the right to file a lawsuit in the district labor court.

Future of Healthcare Archives - Harry Nelson
src: harrynelson.com

Personal health services

There is a private health insurance plan that citizens can participate in addition to the mandatory participation of one of the four national health insurance agencies. All the major Israeli insurance companies offer health insurance plans. This package provides coverage for additional options for maintenance. For example, in the field of elective surgery, a participant in a private insurance plan may choose a surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and a hospital anywhere in Israel or around the world. In the field of transplantation, unlimited funds are available to ensure donors are found and procedures are carried out without the need for government approval. In the field of medicines for serious illness, private insurance companies provide access to a wider range than the official "basket of drugs", as the Israeli government is unable to financially cover all drugs. Compared to health insurance in other countries, private health insurance in Israel is considered relatively cheap, but premiums are based on age, gender, and previous medical history.

There are also a number of private hospitals and clinics around the country. Although health services in public and private hospitals are equivalent in quality, private hospitals offer superior patient care and facilities for public hospitals, such as private rooms designed as hotel rooms, Internet and television access, restaurant-quality meals and beds extra for visitors to stay.

How a strong startup culture is boosting digital health in Israel
src: medtechengine.com

Safety and quality

Israel has one of the most sophisticated and high-quality healthcare systems in the world. Hospitals in Israel are equipped with modern facilities and high-quality medical technology. The medical personnel are highly trained.

Health care in Israel is also delivered very efficiently. A 2013 finds Israel has the fourth most efficient healthcare system in the world. In the August 2014 survey, Israel was ranked as the seventh most efficient healthcare system in the world.

Seven Israeli hospitals have received accreditation from the Joint Commission, an organization that sets safety standards for medical care: the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, HaEmek Medical Center at Afula, Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva, Kaplan Medical Center at Rehovot, Carmel Medical Center in Haifa and Assuta Medical Center in Tel Aviv.

Bibliography: Comparisons Between American and Israeli Healthcare ...
src: www.spertus.edu

Healthcare providers

Providers in the Israeli health system comprise a mix of private, semi-private and public entities. Generally, family facilities and primary medicines are run directly by Clalit for its members while others Kupim Holim operates their own family practice clinics in big cities and contracts with family practice clinics that are privately operated in smaller communities. Like the main practice, Clalit tends to provide special care and outpatient care in their own clinics while other HMOs are generally contracted with outside care physicians and personal care for such services. In addition, the health ministry along with various local authorities also runs a network of general care and infant and prenatal care clinics across the country.

Healthcare association Of Hawaii Awesome Multiple Sclerosis ...
src: brigadetours.com


By 2013 there are 3.1 professionally active doctors per 1,000 residents in Israel, a higher ratio than for countries like the US and Japan. By the end of 2014, there are 34,231 registered doctors in Israel, 25,637 under the age of 65, 30,683 under the age of 75. There are over 10,000 more doctors in Israel who are licensed but not trained (working in other fields, retiring). About forty percent of Israeli doctors are women. Between 2000 and 2009 the OECD reported no per capita physician ratio growth in Israel compared with a global average of 1.7% growth in developed countries. There is also a severe shortage of doctors in specialized specialties, such as anesthesia, general surgery, geriatrics, and primary care.

Israel has five university medical schools that typically follow a 6-year European training model. However, medical schools at Bar-Ilan University follow a four-year program similar to the American system. Tel Aviv University also offers a four-year program similar to the American system for students holding bachelor degrees in certain biological sciences. Entry requirements for various medical schools are strict: all students must have a high school matriculation certificate with an average grade above 100 and a psychometric score above 740.

In 2008, only 35% of Israeli doctors were born there, and nearly 50% were immigrants from South America, mainly from Argentina and Eastern Europe, particularly the former Soviet Union. In addition, many Israelis study medicine abroad, with Israeli medical students very popular in European universities. To practice in Israel, overseas-trained doctors must pass the licensing exam to ensure that their medical training complies with Israeli standards. Immigrant doctors graduating from American, British, Canadian, French, Australian, New Zealand or South African medical schools are released, provided they have 14 years of experience, including residency, and undergo a period of "six months" internship adjustment in Israel.

From Connected Care to Integrated Care: A Work In Progress - ppt ...
src: slideplayer.com


In 2011, there were 37,300 active nurse trainees in Israel or 4.81 nurses per 1000 population compared with the average OECD country of 8.7 nurses per 1000 inhabitants, ranking Israel one of the lowest nursing ratios in developed countries after Greece, Mexico, and Turkey. This represents a 14% decrease in Israeli nursing per capita from 2001. Nursing education is similar to other developed countries. There are many programs of Registered Nurses, Bachelors of nursing academic programs, and some graduate schools for advanced degrees. Undergraduate degree is a prerequisite for certification and advanced clinical courses. The licensed nurse program is over, but recently re-approved as a solution to nursing shortage in Israel. Although nurse practitioners are legalized in Israel in November 2013, only practitioners of Israeli-trained nurses are authorized to work. Although the law regulates the recognition of foreign trained nursing practitioners, there is no process to do so. Only geriatric and palliative nurse practitioners are allowed to work so far, though there are plans for other NP specializations. All NP courses to date have been provided by the Department of Health, and are a post-master certificate program that lasts several months. Compared to Western standards and the International Nursing Board, Israeli nurse practitioners have relatively limited scope of practice and independence.

Suman Barat - Canary Mission
src: s3.amazonaws.com

Doctor Assistant

One well-established solution to the shortage of medical personnel experienced in Israel is the development of middle-level practitioners, for example, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. The development of Doctor Assistant in Israel is constantly being debated for many years until the committee appointed by the Directorate General of the Department of Health recommends in 2013 on the development of an Israeli version of Doctoral Assistant in the five areas currently in great need: Drugs for Disease, Surgery, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine and Pathology. For legislative reasons, and to implement quickly, the Ministry of Health decides not to create a new public profession like in the US but to expand the existing medical profession and authority so as to create a new 'role' for this profession as a Physician Assistant. The first course of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants began on May 15, 2016, consisting of about 35 participants, mostly academic paramedics with substantial experience and very little MD from international universities (outside Israel) who failed to pass the Israeli government exam so as not to be licensed for practice medicine in Israel. In the near future the Israeli Ministry of Health intends to open a similar course in Anesthesiology and Pathology.

From Connected Care to Integrated Care: A Work In Progress - ppt ...
src: slideplayer.com

Emergency services

Emergency medical services in Israel are provided by the Magen David Adom (MDA) organization, which employs approximately 1,200 emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and emergency doctors, and 10,000 volunteers. The organization operates 95 stations and a fleet of more than 700 ambulances. The majority of the fleet consists of the Basic Life Support ambulance. There are also a small number of Advanced Life Support and Mobile Intensive Care Units. For air ambulance services, the MDA relies primarily on the Israeli Air Force 669 Unit. There are also four MBB Bo 105 utility helicopters run by MDA paramedics owned by Lahak Aviation that operate as air ambulances across the country. Non-emergency air ambulance and repatriation services are usually provided by private charter operators.

Magen David Adom is equipped in several areas by Hatzalah, an emergency ambulance service network serving the Jewish community worldwide, and ZAKA, a series of community emergency response teams run by Orthodox Jews, who in addition to providing medical and evacuation services, also assist in the identification of victims of terrorism and collect spilled blood and body parts for burial. The Palestine Red Crescent Society also provides services for the Arab environment in Jerusalem. It gained access to Jerusalem after signing the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding with Magen David Adom.

The ambulance system, for the most part, fits the French-German EMS treatment model, and the presence of physicians in emergencies with high acuity is not uncommon. In addition, emergency ambulance services are supported by various private operators charged only with shuttle transfers.

Healthcare in Israel & Health Insurance | Nefesh B'Nefesh
src: www.nbn.org.il

Medical tourism

Israel emerges as a popular destination for medical travelers. In 2006, 15,000 foreigners traveled to the country for medical procedures, generating $ 40 million in revenues. In 2010, up to 30,000 foreigners come to Israel each year for treatment, mostly from Russia.

Some medical tourists come to Israel because the procedure they are looking for is not available in their home country. Others, especially from the United States, choose Israel because they can receive quality care, such as surgery and in-vitro fertilization at a much lower cost. Many medical tourists come to Israel for treatment in the Dead Sea, a world-renowned therapeutic resort. Israel's Ministry of Tourism and professional medical service providers are working to promote awareness of this niche in Israel.

According to a report in 2013, the number of patients from Eastern Europe, Cyprus and the United States seeking treatment at Israeli public and private hospitals continues to grow. Income from medical tourism is valued at about $ 140 million in 2012.

Palestinian medical tourism

A large number of Palestinian residents seek medical treatment in Israel, often for sophisticated tests or treatments that are not available in Palestinian hospitals. Their treatment is paid under financial arrangements with the Palestinian Authority, or in some cases, at their own expense. Medical care for Gaza Strip citizens is paid by the Palestinian Authority or organizations such as Peres Center for Peace.

Palestinians who apply for medical treatment in Israel must obtain a humanitarian entry permit from Israel, of which thousands are issued each year. In January 2009, during the Gaza War, the Palestinian Authority temporarily canceled financial coverage for all medical care for Palestinians in Israeli hospitals, including protection for chronic pain and those in need of complex treatments not available in the Palestinian territories. Palestinian officials declared that they wanted to send patients to Arab neighbors, accusing Israeli officials of using Palestinian patients, some wounded in Israeli air strikes, in a PR campaign to boost Israel's stained image during the Gaza war. In 2012, the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry reported spending about $ 42 million in 2011 to fund Palestinian medical coverage at Israeli and Arab World hospitals. Israeli Arabs are included in the same health care system as other nationals in the country.

The quality of medical care in Israel is significantly better than anywhere in the West Bank and Gaza. Irwin Mansdorf, a member of the Working Group on Health and Medical Problems, Peace Scholars in the Middle East write about the routine care that the Palestinians continue to receive in Israeli hospitals and from Israeli doctors.

Saving Children , founded by Peres Peace Center, allows hundreds of Palestinian children to receive free medical care, particularly heart surgery, from Israeli surgeons.

"Save a Child's Heart" is a program where every child with heart problems can receive free medical care and surgery from selected doctors and hospitals in Israel. From 1996 to 2007, 4,591 children were examined worldwide, of the 1,848 children treated 828 (45%) were Palestinians.

Humanitarian aid

Until August 2013, Israeli hospitals have provided care to a number of wounded Syrians in the Syrian civil war. Since late March, about 100 Syrians have been hospitalized in two hospitals in Galilee. The patients came with military ambulances and hospitals called in soldiers to transport them back when they were released. The Israeli military also operates field hospitals and mobile medical teams along the Syrian border.

Uninsured Population

One major achievement of the National Health Insurance Act in 1995 was that almost all Israelis were insured and thus entitled to services included in the 'health basket'. However, by 2016, there are about 250,000 non-tourists living in Israel for a long time who are not entitled to the benefits of the National Health Insurance Act. About 100,000 of them are foreign workers entering Israel legally and have compulsory private health insurance paid for by their employers. The other 100,000 are people entering Israel legally (as tourists or as foreign workers) but become illegal residents after overstay their visas. The remaining 50,000 are immigrant laborers, asylum seekers and refugees, mainly from Eritrea and Sudan, who entered Israel illegally through the Egyptian border (before the construction of the Egyptian-Israeli barrier). For the full time working illegal residents, there is compulsory health insurance by employers. This insurance is limited because it depends on the ongoing work and the payments are deducted from the salary, so it becomes ineffective and practically ends when the insured becomes unemployed from health reasons.

For those 'illegal residents' who do not have effective health insurance and are protected from deportation to their home country (due to ongoing conflict or forced recruitment), some services are developed either by the Israeli Ministry of Health or by local NGOs and international aid organizations. The most important services include free access to the Emergency Room and inpatient services when necessary for urgent care, primary care clinics, and psychiatric clinics. There is a Public Health Clinic in Tel Aviv that is jointly managed by the Terem organization and the Israeli Ministry of Health that provides emergency care, specialist services in a number of areas, and dental care for people who are not eligible for coverage under the National Health Insurance Act and has no source of coverage other than tourists. Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers make up the bulk of their client base.

Health Under Occupation: Constraints on access to healthcare in ...
src: s19453.pcdn.co

Medical facilities

By the end of 2014, there are 85 hospitals in Israel: 44 public hospitals, 12 mental health hospitals, 29 specialty hospitals (geriatric and rehabilitation centers), and 278 long-term housing facilities. Only 11 public hospitals are owned by the government and operated by the Ministry of Health, 9 belong to Clalit, and the rest private, such as Herzliya Medical Center. Most private hospitals in Israel are nonprofit or charitable organizations.

Public clinics and pharmacies, along with other medical facilities, are operated by four Holim Cowpies, each of which operates its own chain. Clalit has the largest network of medical facilities, with about 1,400 clinics and 420 pharmacies. Leumit operates 320 clinics and 150 pharmacies. Maccabi operates 150 clinics, 43 pharmacies, and 20 diagnostic and therapeutic centers. Meuhedet operates 250 clinics and 40 pharmacies. In addition, there are hundreds of private clinics and pharmacies, some of which contract with Holim Kupot to provide services to its members.

Public satisfaction with hospital care is very less compared to other aspects of the health care system. There were 3.1 beds per 1000 population, compared with the average OECD 4.8. The occupancy rate reached 96%. The average length of stay was 4.3 days, compared with the average of OECD 6.5. There is a long waiting list that has caused more than 75% of the population to take out secondary health insurance.

Healthcare in Israel & Health Insurance | Nefesh B'Nefesh
src: www.nbn.org.il

Medical research

Israel is a world leader in medical and paramedical research, and biotechnology capabilities. Biotechnology, medical, and clinical research accounts for more than half of Israel's scientific publications, and the industry sector uses this vast knowledge to develop new drugs, medical equipment, and therapeutic treatments. Among other medical fields, Israel is a leader in stem cell research, with the largest number of articles, patents, and per capita research, as well as research on regenerative medicine and medical marijuana.

A Primer on Healthcare Information Exchange John D. Halamka MD CIO ...
src: images.slideplayer.com

See also

  • Health in Israel
  • Health care versus
  • Helena Kagan
  • Science and technology in Israel
  • Gideon Mer

New toolbox for Israeli startups aims to help navigate US ...
src: static.timesofisrael.com


Risk Management Update for Physicians and Other Healthcare ...
src: www.hms-cme.net

External links

  • Cohen Nissim (2012). "Entrepreneurs policy and public policy design: conceptual framework and case of the National Health Insurance Act in Israel". Journal of Social Research & amp; Policy . 3 (1): 5-26.
  • The Health Care System in Israel - A Historical Perspective Israeli Foreign Ministry . June 26, 2002.
  • The Israeli Project: The Podcast describes the Israeli Health System
  • The leading health services in Israel - If they can do it, why not? examiner.com mirror August 3, 2009.
  • Health Care Story: Jerusalem, Israel
  • Israel as a Health Care Model
  • Health and Zionism: Israeli health care system, 1948-1960, Shifra Shvarts

Source of the article : Wikipedia
