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Historic People & Places in Sarasota, Florida | Sarasota History ...

The Zarazote settlement was founded in Florida in 1763; the city of Sarasota was founded in 1902.

Video History of Sarasota, Florida

Initial history


Fifteen thousand years ago, when humans first settled in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico coastline was a hundred miles farther west. In this era, hunting and gathering are the main means of subsistence. This is only possible in areas where water sources exist for hunters and prey. Springs and deep water catchments, such as Warm Mineral Springs, are close enough to the Sarasota area to provide campsites, but are too far away for permanent settlements.

As the Pleistocene glacier slowly melts, a more temperate climate begins to move north. Sea levels begin to rise; they eventually climbed another 350 feet (110 m), producing a Florida coastline today, which provides an interesting location for human settlements.

Archaeological research in Sarasota documents more than ten thousand years of seasonal occupation by indigenous populations. For five thousand years while sea level currently exists, fishing in the Sarasota Bay is a major source of protein and large mounds of discarded fish shells and bones proving prehistoric human settlements in Sarasota and underpinned by the gifts of its bay.

Initial history record

Europeans first explored the area in the early sixteenth century. The first recording contact occurred in 1513, when the Spanish expedition landed in Port Charlotte, just south. Spanish was used by indigenous peoples during the initial few meetings, providing previous contact evidence.

In 1539, the Spanish Conquistador Hernando de Soto sailed to South Tampa Bay and landed on the Little Manatee River. Initially, both Bradenton (Manatee County) and Sarasota (Sarasota County) are known as Zara Zota , Zara Sota , Sarazota , Sarasota

The bay is sheltered and its harbor attracts fish and marine traders. Soon there are fishing camps called ranchos along the bay established by Americans and Cubans who trade fish and turtles with merchants in Havana. Florida changed hands between Spain, England, and then Spain again.

After 1819 the Florida acquisition as a territory by the United States and five years before becoming a state in 1845, the army established Fort Armistead in Sarasota along the bay. The fort is allegedly located in the Indian Beach area, and research continues there. The army erected a fort at a rancho operated by Louis Pacheco, an African slave who worked for his Cuban-American owner. Shortly before the castle was abandoned due to a severe epidemic, Seminole tribal leaders gathered to discuss their impending parade to come to the Oklahoma Territory. These are Native Americans who moved to Florida during the Spanish occupation. Most of the indigenous people of Florida, such as Tocobaga and Caloosa, have died of epidemics carried by the Spaniards. They have largely maintained permanent settlements used from late fall to spring, moving to distant settlements in the north during the summer.

Soon the remaining Seminoles were forced south to the Big Cypress Swamp and in 1842 the lands in Sarasota, which were subsequently held by the federal government, were among those opened for private property by people of European descent through the Armed Occupation Act. i> authorized by the United States Congress. Even Louis Pacheco was deported with natives to Oklahoma.

Maps History of Sarasota, Florida

Pioneer family

European settlers arrived in significant numbers in the late 1840s. The area already has the Spanish name, Zara Zote, on a map dating from the early 18th century, and it is maintained as Sara Sota . Early settlers were attracted by the climate and beauty of Sarasota Bay.

Sarasota has been governed by several different American states, depending on the time of day. Not being a state until 1845, Florida was acquired by the United States as a territory in 1819. Hillsborough County was created from Alachua and Monroe counties in 1834 and many early ground titles cite it as the Sarasota governing area. Hillsborough was divided in 1855, placing Sarasota under the rule of Manatee County until 1921, when three new districts were carved out of the Manatee section. One of the new districts was called Sarasota, and the city was his seat. The community boundary was once extended to Bowlees Creek, but it was redrawn to an arbitrary line to divide the airport so that its surveillance could cover both districts. Note property and street address on the north of the new county line and south of the river, however, remain as "Sarasota" due to the establishment of established posts, although they are still ruled by Manatee County.


William Whitaker was the first documented pioneer of European descent to settle permanently in what became the city of Sarasota. After spending time along the Manatee River in the village of Manatee, Whitaker is built over the Yellow Bluffs, just north of Eleventh Street today. He sold dried fish and roe to a Cuban merchant working on the beach and in 1847 he started a livestock business. In 1851, Whitaker married Mary Jane Wyatt, a member of a pioneering family who had settled in the village of Manatee, about 13 mi (21 km) northeast along the river of the same name.

Their homestead site is not preserved; However, their family funeral remains. In the 1930s, the Whitaker family gave a funeral to the Princess of the American Revolution on the understanding that every descendant of William and Mary Whitaker's lineage and their spouses could be buried there as long as space remained.


In 1867, Webb's family from Utica, New York, came to Florida looking for a place to stay. Upon arriving in Key West, a pioneering family meets a Spanish merchant. He told them about the high mound of land in Sarasota Bay that would be a good location for the guesthouse. When Webbs arrived in Sarasota looking for a bluff, they described it to Bill Whitaker. He led them there because of his description. The site is a few miles south of the Whitaker settlement. According to a non-profit organization that holds its name and maintains a property today, after settling, Webbs named their home Spanish Point , in honor of merchants.

In 1884, John Webb petitioned for a separate postal address for the Spanish Point. They choose Osprey as their postal address, because federal regulations require the use of only one word for new addresses. A separate city eventually grew up around the postal address. Although there is no similar documentation regarding the Sarasota name, that one-word federal rule for postal titling may be the reason that Zara Zota or Sara Sota become Sarasota .

Lewis Colson

Born in 1844, Lewis Colson came to Sarasota as a surveyor with the Florida Mortgage and Investment Company in 1894. Colson was a former slave, a fisherman, a landowner and a Reverend in early Sarasota. He and his wife, Irene, a midwife, settled in an environment known as Black Bottom (later known as Overtown). During his early years, Colson worked for engineer Richard E. Paulson. He then donated the property to build the first African American Church in town, Bethlehem Baptist Church. Colson was pastor from 1899 to 1915. Historian Annie M. McElroy described Colson as "one of the most respected blacks in Sarasota during his lifetime". In the early years of Overtown, blacks developed a thriving community with businesses, shops, churches and social centers. The Colson Hotel, built in 1926, was named in the honor of Lewis Colson, and served African American tourists until the 1950s, when his name was changed to Hotel Palm. Colson Avenue is also named in his honor. The historical marker at Five Points Park in downtown Sarasota, praised Colson as "a slave [and] respected community leader... who drives a pole that marks the center of Five Points." Colson, who died in 1922, and his wife Irene, was the only African American to be buried in Rosemary's funeral.

Browning and Gillespie

In 1885, a Scottish colony was founded in Sarasota, which at the time was described as a tropical paradise built in a thriving city. A city has been moored and surveyed before the package is sold by the Florida Mortgage and Investment Company. When investors at the Ormiston Colony arrived by ship in December, they discovered that their primitive settlements had no houses, shops, and promised roads.

Only a few Scots, like the Browning family, live in Sarasota along with a determined member of the developer family, John Hamilton Gillespie. He is a manager for Florida Mortgage & amp; Investment Company, and started developing Sarasota following plans for failed colonies. In 1887, he built the De Sota Hotel which opened on 25 February to hold major social events and celebrations. Finally, the tourists arrive at a dock built over the bay. In May 1886 he completed a two-hole golf course. In 1905, he completed a nine-hole course of 110 acres (45 ha).

Owen Burns

Owen Burns came to Sarasota to lure him famous and stayed for the rest of his life. He became the largest landowner in the city, founded banks, promoted the development of other businesses, and built bridges, historic buildings, and mansions. He dredged the harbor and created a new bay front spot with reclaimed land. He created new developments such as Burns Court (located in what is now called Burns Square) to attract tourists and build commercial companies to generate additional encouragement for emerging communities.

He also went into business partnership with John Ringling to develop the barrier islands, a decisive decision that made him bankrupt when his partner failed to fulfill commitments on the development agreement. In 1925 Burns built the El Vernona Hotel, named after his wife, Vernona Hill Freeman Burns. Shortly after the hotel's opening, a land boom accident in Florida struck a fatal blow to its finances due to an unfulfilled partnership agreement. Ironically, it was formerly the same partner, John Ringling, who took advantage of the situation and bought the hotel for some of its value, although a few years later, with the stock market falling, Ringling would meet the same financial fate.

In addition to the landmarks, bridges, and developments it builds, Burns contributes to the attraction of many people across the country to Sarasota. Among his five children, he also appointed the most important historian to society, his daughter, Lillian G. Burns.

Bertha Palmer

Bertha Palmer (Bertha Honorà ©  © Palmer) was the owner of the largest farm, breeder and developer around the beginning of the 20th century, where he purchased over 90,000 acres (360Ã, km 2 ) properties. He was drawn to Sarasota with an ad placed in a Chicago newspaper by A. B. Edwards. They will maintain business relationships for the rest of their lives. The Palmer National Bank, founded on Main Street at Five Points, remained a powerful bank led by his son through depression and joined the Southeast Bank in 1976.

Bertha Palmer also has a vast land that is now Myakka State Park. During this period the land is operated as a farm. He develops and promotes many innovative practices that enable cattle raising to become a large-scale reality in Florida. At his "Meadowsweet Farms", Palmer also pioneered large scale farming and dairy products in the area and made a significant contribution to the practice that enabled the development of crops that could be shipped to markets elsewhere in the country. His experiments were coordinated with the state farm department.

When war in Europe threatened, Bertha Palmer praised Sarasota's beauty and her profits to replace the peculiar foreign destinations of her social counterparts. Palmer made his winter residence on the land that the Webb family had inhabited. He built a resort that will attract new visitors to the area. He quickly made Sarasota a fashionable location for the winter retreats of the rich and as a holiday destination for tourists, who survived beyond years of warfare and thrived for new riches that grew in the United States during the 1920s and, after the Second World War as well.

In its initial publicity, Palmer compared the beauty of the Gulf of Sarasota with the Bay of Naples, and also praised its fishing sport. As the 19th century progressed, the gift of the bay continued to attract visitors, until excessive fishing depleted its marine life.

Palmer retains most of the original Webb Family structure and expands the settlement. Pioneer sites have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Historic Spanish Point and are open to the public at an additional cost. Accommodation accommodations at The Oaks have not been preserved.

Also arriving in 1910, Owen Burns carefully followed Bertha Palmer into Sarasota and with two purchases, he quickly became the largest landowner in what is now a city, therefore many of his enormous Sarasota properties are in place now is Sarasota County (which did not exist during his lifetime). There are many paths that contain the names he put on the path he founded. He participated, however, in city speculation along with others, bought large undeveloped land, and many parcels bore his name or his children among those who were abstract.

His sons continued their business and remained as investors and donors in Sarasota following the death of Bertha Palmer in 1918. In addition to attracting the world's attention to the city as a holiday destination and a chic location for winter residence, as well as renown for farming and agricultural reforms he introduced , two state parks are located on the property he holds, part of the Oscar Scherer State Park and the enormous Myakka River State Park, which can be counted as his greatest heritage to the Saracens.

Sarasota History - 1921 Hurricane - YouTube

The development of the 20th and 21st centuries

Sarasota Village was established for local government as a city under state guidance in 1902 with John Hamilton Gillespie as mayor. It was reorganized in 1912 and its government was subsequently incorporated as a city in 1913, with A. B. Edwards as mayor.

Other developments and other initial history

Other communities in the area were included or began to grow into cities quite different from the bay community whose plate ended in what is now Tenth Street. They have been absorbed when Sarasota grows, but some have retained their name and are recognized today as the environment. Some communities, such as Overtown, Bay Haven, Indian Beach, Shell Beach, Bee Ridge, and Fruitville have faded from the memories of most people who live there now. Overtown expanded to include what is now established as a historic Rosemary District and the boundaries of Newtown are now joining it. The Ringling College of Art and Design belongs to the administration building, a hotel developed for the Bay Haven community when Old Bradenton Road is the main road north to the Manatee River. The Tamiami Trail was developed in the mid-1920s and the bridge across the river eliminated it as a natural barrier that limited development. Shell Beach became the location where large estates will be built on the highest ground along the bay as well as where Sapphire Shores and The Uplands are developing today.

Another major factor that helps this area grow is the train. In 1902, a railway bridge was built across the Manatee River about 11 miles north. The bridge was built by the West Indies Railroad. Ten years after this in 1912, the first one led to Bradenton was built.

Two sisters, Katherine McClellan and Daisietta McClellan, became real estate developers during this period. They created the division of McClellan Park, which is one of the most significant and successful residential neighborhoods in the south of the city center. Their plates were filed in 1913. This deviated from a typical grid system used for major developments, created a close community, and provided yacht basins, tennis courts, and other recreational sports facilities.

An area in northern Sarasota attracted many Ringling brothers, who had created their wealth as circus figures, around the beginning of the 20th century. The Ringling Brothers Circus has not been consolidated as a single unit.

Mary Louise and Charles N. Thompson climbed Shell Beach in 1895. Thompson's house was the first residence on the property. It was extended from what is now a nearly solar circle to Bowlees Creek. From 1911 Mable and John Ringling spent their winter in the house and eventually, they would buy a large piece of Thompson property for their permanent winter residence in Sarasota. Along with being a land developer, Thompson is a manager with another circus. He attracted several members of the Ringling family to Sarasota as winter retreats as well as for onshore investment.

First, the family of Alf T. Ringling settled in the Whitfield Estates area with extensive landholdings. The Charles and John Ringling families followed, farther south. Soon, the children and extended family members increased the presence of the Ringling family in Sarasota. After the death of Alf T. in 1919, Charles Ringling received many of his duties.

Charles Thompson had joined Ringling Brothers Circus staff when he started buying smaller circus or failed, and operated separately. In 1919, this possession was consolidated into a large circus, billed as "the greatest show on Earth". Only two of the five founding brothers survive, but other members of their family continue to participate in the business or serve on the board of directors. Ringling Brothers Circus set up his winter home in Sarasota in December 1927 as John Ringling's attempt to improve the local economy, where he invested heavily, especially in real estate development. Players and staff members began settling in Sarasota, and founded Ringling Circus as part of the Sarasota community.

After the end of World War I, an economic boom began in Sarasota. The city is flooded with new people looking for work, investment, and a beautiful social environment created by previous developers.

In the adjacent package of Shell Beach Thompson where Ellen and Ralph Caples build their winter retreats, Mable and John Ringling build their complex. Soon will include the museum. Edith and Charles Ringling built a complex that included a home for their daughter, Hester Ringling Lancaster Sanford.

The next big Shell Beach package, soon to the north, passes between Ellen Caples, Mable and John Ringling, and several others several times without development until 1947. Later developed as The Uplands. Some other historical names associated with the package are Bertha Palmer, his son Honorà © Å ©, whose names are shown as known street names in Sarasota, and A.B. Edwards.

The treaty adjacent to the package was reorganized in 1925 as Seagate with the aim of creating all subdivisions. This is where Gwendolyn and Powel Crosley built their winter retreat in 1929. All of these historical homes and museums have been listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

The now historic neighborhood of the Indian coast of Sapphire Shores is growing rapidly to the south of the area where this magnificent mansion was built at bay. Sapphire Shores provides homes for professionals and retirees who want, or are, closely tied to the wealthiest inhabitants of this community. Indian Beach, once a separate community at one time, contained pioneer houses that survived among the fashionable new houses built during the 1920s boom era.

Charles Ringling as developer

Charles Ringling invested in land, developed property, and established a bank. He participated in the Sarasota civilian life and advised other entrepreneurs who started a new business in Sarasota. From his bank, he lends money to new companies. Encouraging his creation, he donated land to newly established areas - where he also built government offices and courthouses as gifts to the public.

Ringling Boulevard is named for Charles Ringling. This is a winding road to the east from the front of the bay in what is now the Tamiami Trail to the winter circus headquarters. It crosses Washington Boulevard where Charles Ringling built the Sarasota Terrace Hotel, a tall building in the architectural style of Chicago, across from the site Ringling would contribute to the county seat. It was easily accessible by train at that time.

Charles Ringling and his wife, Edith, began building winter retreats early in winter in the early 1920s. Charles Ringling died in 1926, right after it was completed. For decades Edith Ringling remained there and continued his role in the circus administration, assuming many of her husband's duties, and cultural activities in society. Her daughter, Hester, and her sons are active in theatrical and musical venues in Sarasota. What became known internationally as Edith Ringling Estate is now the center of the New College of Florida campus.

John Ringling in partnership with Owen Burns

John Ringling invested in developments on the barrier islands, known as the key, which separates the shallow bay of the Gulf of Mexico. Although he owns several companies and development projects in Sarasota, he works in partnership with Owen Burns to develop the key through a company called, Ringling Isles Estates. Burns owned all Lido Key. To facilitate the development of this ownership the bridge was built into the islands by its partner, Owen Burns. Finally Ringling donated a bridge to the city to be defended by the government. They named it the route, John Ringling Boulevard. The key center of Saint Armand contains the Harding Circle and the surrounding streets are named for other US presidents. Dredging and replenishment by Owen Burns creates more dry land to develop, including Golden Gate Point. The winter residents, called snowbirds, flocked to buy this seasonal home that was marketed to the rich.

Spearhead of the 1920s

The Roaring Twenties ended early for Sarasota. Florida was the first region in the United States to be affected by the financial problems that caused the Great Depression. In 1926 construction speculation began to collapse with bank failures on the east coast of Florida, much earlier than most countries. Financial difficulties spread throughout Florida. John Ringling had initially benefited from the economic collapse. Ringling has put his partner, Owen Burns, into bankruptcy by using money from their corporate treasury for use on another failed Ringling project. He then bought the El Vernona Hotel landmark from Burns for a fraction of the value. John Ringling, too, lost most of his wealth. Shortly after his wife's death in June 1929, Mable, the reversal began because his stock investment was affected.

Just before the market crashed, Ringling had purchased several other circuses in hopes of merging them with the circus and selling stocks on the stock market. The accident ended the plan. While Ringling continues to invest in expensive artwork, he leaves behind major unfinished projects, such as the Ritz hotel on one of the barrier islands. He abandoned plans for art school in addition to the museum. Ringling lends his name to an art school founded by others in Sarasota, but reluctantly.

The circus board, which included Edith Ringling and other family members, removed John Ringling and placed another director in charge of the corporation. At the time of his death in 1936, John Ringling almost went bankrupt. His property was saved only because he wanted it, along with his art collection, to the country and he died just before he went bankrupt.

New city plan

In 1925, John Nolen, a professional planner, was hired to develop a plan for downtown. He laid the streets to follow the curve of the front bay with a grid outside, which stretched northward to what is now Tenth Street and south to Mound. It follows closer the way the city develops at the time.

The names and street numbers in the center of the city were changed to the present. At that time, numbered streets began at Burns Square and the Burns triangle building that separates the intersection of Orange and Pineapple Avenues, is on First Street. Nolen shifts the numbered streets in the north, beginning on what is now Main Street. The townhouse, located on Hover Arcade at the foot of Main Street, is on the waterfront and the city pier is extended from there. It is a new downtown. Vehicles and materials can pass through arcades and railroad tracks that lead directly to the terminal.

The new plan emphasizes that the town hall at the front of the bay, is a nexus of the city. Broadway, the road that connects the city center to the northern part of town along the bay has become part of the new Tamiami Trail being made. The trail was part of AS 41 that connects Tampa to Miami (hence the contracted name) in 1928. United with U.S 301 in northern Manatee, the trail made the "dog's foot" turn west on Cortez Road. In Sarasota, the city veered east to follow Main Street through the city center before rejoining U.S. 301 on Washington Boulevard.

The plan was abandoned in the 1960s when pressure to increase speed at the Tamiami Trail prompted the demolition of town hall and the diversion of routes past the front of the bay, severing communities from the shores. In the last decade of this century, car traffic has become so dominant that intersections beyond the human scale block all but the most challenging of trying to cross on foot. At the community planning charrette, the designs began to circulate which called for reunification of the city center to the front of the bay and the removal of the road front appointment of the bay as a highway. The new Urbanism concept focuses on the recovery of Sarasota into a walkable community and takes the greatest advantage of its most beautiful asset, Sarasota Bay. The roundabout is discussed as a traffic tranquilizer that can be integrated into a friendly design for safe and efficient car movement between increased use by cyclists and pedestrians, along with pollution reduction.

Twenty-first century

On September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush was reading The Pet Goat at Emma E. Booker Elementary School when he was informed of an attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. Mohamed Atta and co-conspiracy Marwan al-Shehhi, who piloted the hijacked jet, did part of their pilot training at Jones Aviation in Sarasota during 2000.

Sarasota was identified as an epicenter of a 2008 real estate accident. It follows the issue of financial credit that began with a poorly financed mortgage failed due to the huge real estate speculation that began in the late 1990s and increased dramatically during the early 2000s. Once property values ​​begin to fall, mortgages are bought with consideration of "equity value" derived from a rapid increase in property values ​​because speculation becomes problematic. The properties are no longer worth the mortgage value, in part with big differences. This becomes an almost national problem and occurs in other countries as well.

In 2010, an island in Sarasota temporarily renamed "Google Island" in an attempt to get Google Fiber for the city.

In January 2017, an estimated 10,000 protesters marched through John Ringling Causeway in solidarity with women's organizations around the world. The protest was the largest in Sarasota history.

Postcard - Greetings From Sarasota Florida | Sarasota History Alive!


Source of the article : Wikipedia
