Jesse Louis Jackson Sr. (born October 8, 1941) is an American civil rights activist, Baptist minister, and politician. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988 and served as the shadow of US Senators for the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1997.
He is the founder of an organization that joins to form Rainbow/PUSH. Former US Representative, Jesse Jackson Jr. is his eldest son. Jackson also hosted Both Sides with Jesse Jackson on CNN 1992-2000.
Video Jesse Jackson
Early life and education
Jackson was born in Greenville, South Carolina, to Helen Burns (1924-2015), a 16-year-old high school student, and his 33-year-old married neighbor, Noah Louis Robinson (1908-1997). The family has some Cherokee roots. Robinson is a former professional boxer who is an employee of textile brokers and prominent figures in the black community. One year after the birth of Jesse, his mother married Charles Henry Jackson, a postal office maintenance worker who later adopted the boy. Jesse was given the name of his stepfather in adoption, but when he grew up, he also maintained close ties with Robinson. He considers the two men as his father.
As a child, Jackson was teased by other children about illegitimate births, and said this experience helped motivate him to succeed. Living under Jim Crow's segregation law, Jackson was taught to go to the back of the bus and use a separate fountain - a practice he received up to the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955. He attended the racially ridden Sterling Secondary School in Greenville, where he was elected chairman class students, finished in his class, and received letters in baseball, soccer and basketball.
After graduating from high school in 1959, he refused a contract from a small league professional baseball team so he could attend the University of Illinois on a soccer scholarship. After the second semester at the white-dominated University of Illinois, Jackson moved to North Carolina A & amp; T, a historic black university located in Greensboro, North Carolina. There are several different reasons account behind this transfer. Jackson claims that he changed schools because racial prejudice prevented him from playing quarterbacks and limited his participation in public speaking teams.
Writing on in 2002, sociologist Harry Edwards noted that the University of Illinois previously had a black quarterback, but also noted that black athletes who attended the traditional white academies during the 1950s and 1960s experienced "a combination of culture shock and discrimination ". Edwards also stated that Jackson had left the University of Illinois in 1960 because he had been placed in an academic probation. However, the president of the University of Illinois reported in 1987 that the transcript of 1960 Jackson's new year was clean, and said he would be eligible to re-apply at any time.
While attending A & amp; T, Jackson played as a quarterback and was elected chairman of the student organization. He became active in local civil rights protests against disparate libraries, theaters and restaurants. He graduated with a B.S. in sociology in 1964, then attended the Chicago Theological Seminary with a scholarship. He broke up in 1966, three less classes earned his master's degree, to focus full time on the Civil Rights Movement. He was ordained a minister in 1968, and in 2000, was awarded a Master of Divinity Degree based on previous credits earned, plus his life experience and subsequent work.
Maps Jesse Jackson
Civil rights activism
SCLC and Operation Breadbasket
Jackson has been known for leading public attention ever since he started working for Martin Luther King Jr. In 1965, Jackson participated in the Selma march to Montgomery organized by James Bevel, King, and other civil rights leaders in Alabama. Impressed by Jackson's drive and organizational capabilities, King soon began giving Jackson a role in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), though he was concerned about Jackson's ambition and search for attention. When Jackson returned from Selma, he was assigned to set up a front-line office for SCLC in Chicago.
In 1966, King and Bevel chose Jackson to lead the branch of Chicago's SCLC economy, Operation Breadbasket and he was promoted to national director in 1967. Operation Breadbasket was started by the Atlanta SCLC leadership as a black job placement agent.. Under Jackson's leadership, the main purpose was to encourage a massive boycott by black consumers as a means of suppressing white-owned businesses to hire blacks and to buy goods and services from black-owned companies.
T. R. M. Howard, a 1950 supporter of a consumer boycott tactic, soon became a key supporter of Jackson's efforts - donating and raising funds, and introducing Jackson to a leading member of the black business community in Chicago. Under Jackson's direction, Operation Breadbasket held a popular weekly workshop on Chicago's South Side featuring white and black political and economic leaders, and religious services complete with jazz and choir bands.
Jackson was involved in a SCLC leadership dispute after the King's murder on April 4, 1968. When King was shot, Jackson was in the parking lot one floor below. Jackson told reporters that he was the last person to talk to the King, and the King died in his arms - an account that some of the king's auxiliaries dispute. After the King's death, Jackson worked at the SCLC Peoples Crusade in Washington, D.C., and was trusted to manage the 15-acre tent town - but he began to clash more with Ralph Abernathy, the successor to King as chairman of SCLC. In 1969, The New York Times reported that Jackson was seen as a surrogate King by some black leaders and that Jackson was one of several black activists who were preaching about racial reconciliation.
Jackson is also reported to be looking for a coalition with white people to approach what racial issues call economics and class, "When we turn the race into a class fight between the rich and the unpopular, we have a new ball game," he said. In the 21st century, some public school systems are working on approaches to affirmative action related to family income rather than race, recognizing that some minority members have been very successful. The Times also showed that Jackson was criticized for being too involved with middle-class blacks, and because of the unreachable goal of racial unity.
In the spring of 1971, Abernathy ordered Jackson to move the Operation Breadbasket national office from Chicago to Atlanta and try to put others in charge of Chicago's local activities, but Jackson refused to move. He organized the October 1971 Black Expo in Chicago, trade and fair business to promote black capitalism and grassroots political forces. The five-day event was attended by black businessmen from 40 states, as well as politicians such as Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes, and Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. Daley's presence is seen as a testament to the increasing political and economic power of blacks.
In December 1971, Jackson and Abernathy had completely fallen, with the split portrayed as part of a leadership struggle between Jackson, who had a national profile, and Abernathy, whose prominence from the Civil Rights Movement began to diminish. The break began when Abernathy questioned the handling of receipts from the Black Expo, and then stopped Jackson as Operation Breadbasket leader for not getting permission to form a nonprofit company. Al Sharpton, leader of the SCLC youth group, left the organization to protest Jackson's treatment and form the National Youth Movement. Jackson, his entire Breadbasket staff, and 30 of the 35 board members withdrew from SCLC and began planning new organizations. Time magazine quoted Jackson as saying at the time that the traditional civil rights movement had lost an "offensive attack".
Operation PUSH and Rainbow Coalition
The United People to Save Humanity (Operation PUSH) officially commenced operations on December 25, 1971; Jackson later changed the name to People United to Serve Humanity. T. R. M. Howard was installed as a member of the board of directors and chair of the financial committee. Initially, Jackson plans to orient PUSH Operations toward politics and pressure politicians to work to increase economic opportunities for blacks and poor people of all races. SCLC officials are reported to feel the new organization will help more black businesses than it will help the poor.
In 1978 Jackson called for a closer relationship between blacks and Republicans, telling the Party National Committee that "Blacks need a Republican Party to compete for us so we can have a real alternative... Republicans need blacks if it once competed for the national office. "
In 1983 Jackson and Operation PUSH led a boycott of beer giant Anheuser-Busch, criticizing the company's level of minority work in their distribution network. August Busch IV, CEO Anheuser-Busch was introduced in 1996 to Yusef Jackson, son of Jesse, by Jackson's family friend Ron Burkle. In 1998 Yusef and his brother Jonathan were chosen by Anheuser-Busch to lead River North Sales, a Chicago beer distribution company, which caused controversy. "There was no causal relationship between the boycott in 1983 and I met in the mid-90s and I bought the company in 1998," Yusef said.
In 1984, Jackson organized the Rainbow Coalition and resigned from his post as president of Operation PUSH in 1984 to run for president of the United States, although he remained involved as chairman of the board. The PUSH activity was described in 1987 when it boycotted businesses to encourage them to provide more jobs and businesses for blacks and run programs for housing, social services and voter registration. The organization is funded by contributions from businesses and individuals. In early 1987, the continuity of Operation PUSH was threatened by debt, a fact used by Jackson's political opponents during the race for the 1988 Democratic nomination. In 1996, the Operations PUSH and Rainbow Coalition organizations were merged.
International activism
Jackson's influence expanded to international problems in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1983, Jackson traveled to Syria to secure the release of a captured American pilot, Lieutenant Navy Robert Goodman who was detained by the Syrian government. Goodman has been shot down in Lebanon while on a mission to bomb Syria's position in the country. After Jackson's dramatic personal appeal to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, Goodman was released. Initially, the Reagan administration was skeptical about Jackson's journey to Syria. However, after Jackson secured the release of Goodman, US President Ronald Reagan welcomed Jackson and Goodman to the White House on January 4, 1984. It helped boost Jackson's popularity as an American patriot and served as a springboard for running his presidency in 1984. In June 1984, Jackson negotiated the release of twenty-two Americans held in Cuba after being invited by Cuban president Fidel Castro.
On the eve of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, Jackson traveled to Iraq, to ​​appeal to Saddam Hussein to release foreign citizens arrested there as "human shields", securing the release of some British and twenty Americans.
He traveled to Kenya in 1997 to meet with Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi as US President Bill Clinton's special envoy for democracy to promote free and fair elections. In April 1999, during the Kosovo War, Jackson traveled to Belgrade to negotiate the release of three US POWs captured on the Macedonian border while on patrol with the UN peacekeeping unit. He met the then president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milo? Evi ?, who then agreed to release the three men.
Its international efforts continued into the 2000s. On February 15, 2003, Jackson addressed more than a million people in Hyde Park, London at the height of anti-war demonstrations against the imminent invasion of Iraq by the United States and Britain. In November 2004, Jackson visited senior politicians and community activists in Northern Ireland in an effort to foster better cross-community relations and rebuild the peace process and restore Belfast's government institutions.
In August 2005, Jackson traveled to Venezuela to meet Venezuelan President Hugo ChÃÆ'¡vez, following controversial comments by televangelist Pat Robertson in which he implied that ChÃÆ'¡vez should be killed. Jackson condemned Robertson's statement as immoral. After meeting with ChÃÆ'¡vez and talking to the Venezuelan Parliament, Jackson said that there is no evidence that Venezuela is a threat to the US. Jackson also met representatives of Afro Venezuela and indigenous peoples.
In 2005, he was listed as part of the British "Operation Black Vote", a campaign run by Simon Woolley to encourage more British ethnic minorities to vote in political elections ahead of the May 2005 Election.
Jackson served as speaker for The International Peace Foundation in 2009 on the topic "Building a culture of peace and development in a globalized world". He visited several locations in Malaysia, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Institute, and in Thailand, including NIST International School in Bangkok.
Political activism
During the 1980s, he achieved widespread fame as a politician, and became a famous spokesperson for civil rights issues. In 1980 for example, Jackson was mediated in a fire-fighting strike.
1984 presidential campaign
On November 3, 1983, Jackson announced his campaign for the President of the United States in the 1984 election, becoming the second African American (after Shirley Chisholm) to launch a national campaign for the president.
In the Democratic primary preliminary poll, Jackson, which had been written by the experts as a fringe candidate with little chance of winning the nomination, surprised much when he took third place behind Sen. Gary Hart and former Vice President Walter Mondale, who eventually won the nomination. Jackson collected 3,282,431 votes, or 18.2 percent of the total, in 1984, and won three to five preliminary and caucus elections, including Louisiana, District of Columbia, South Carolina, and one of two separate contests in Mississippi. More Virginia caucus audiences supported Jesse Jackson than any other candidate, but Walter Mondale won more Virginia delegates.
In May 1988, Jackson complained that he had won 21% of popular votes but was given only 9% of the delegates. He later stated that he had been obstructed by party rules. While Mondale (in the words of his assistant) is determined to set a precedent with his vice presidential candidate by choosing a visible woman or minority, Jackson criticizes the screening process as a "machete parade of personalities". He also mocked Mondale, saying that Hubert Humphrey was "the last important politician outside St. Paul-Minneapolis".
Relationship with the Jewish community
Jackson was criticized in the early 1980s for referring to Jews as "Hymies" and New York City as "Hymietowns" in his speech to the black Washington Post reporter. (Hymie is a derogatory term for Jews.) Jackson mistakenly assumes the reference will not be printed. Louis Farrakhan made the situation worse by issuing, in the presence of Jackson, a public warning to the Jews that "If you hurt this [Jackson] brother, it will be the last one you hurt." Jackson made an apology to the Jews for derogatory comments, but Jackson refused to condemn Farrakhan's warning to Jews. Jackson apologized during a speech to national Jewish leaders in a synagogue of Manchester, New Hampshire, but the eternal cleavage between Jackson and many people in the Jewish community continued at least until the 1990s.
Jackson also made other statements that proved negative attitudes toward Jews including saying that Richard Nixon paid little attention to poverty in the US because "four of the five [Nixon's main advisers] are German Jews and their priorities in Europe and Asia"; that he was "sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust"; and that there are "very few Jewish reporters who have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs".
Shortly after President Jimmy Carter sacked US Ambassador Andrew Young to meet with representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Jackson and other black leaders began openly supporting a Palestinian state, with Jackson calling the Israeli prime minister a "terrorist", and then asking for support Arab-American finance. Jackson has since apologized for some of these statements, but they severely undermined his presidential campaign, because "Jackson is seen by many conservatives in the United States as an enemy of Israel and too close to the Arab government."
According to a 1987 New York Times article, Jackson began trying to improve his relationship with the Jewish community after 1984. In 2000, he was invited to speak in support of the Jewish Senator and vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman at the Democratic National Convention.
presidential campaign 1988
In 1988, Jackson again sought the nomination of the Democratic presidential presidency. According to a November 1987 article in The New York Times, "Most political analysts gave him little chance of being nominated - partly because he was black, partly because of his immoral liberalism." However, his success in the past made him a more credible candidate, and he was better financed and more organized than in 1984. Jackson once again exceeded expectations as he more than doubled his previous results, prompting Apple RW from The New York Times to call 1988 "the Year of Jackson".
In early 1988, Jackson held a rally at the former American Motors assembly plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin, about two weeks after the new owner Chrysler announced it would close the plant by the end of the year. In his speech, Jackson spoke out against Chrysler's decision, stating "We must focus on Kenosha, Wisconsin, as a place, here and now, where we draw a line to end economic violence!" and comparing the workers' struggles with the 1965 Revenge Movement in Selma, Alabama. As a result, the local UAW 72 union voted to support his nomination, even against UAW rules.
In short, after he won 55% of the vote in the Democratic Michigan caucus, he was considered a pioneer for nominations, as he surpassed all other candidates in the total number of promised delegates. Jackson's campaign suffered a significant setback of less than two weeks after UAW approval when he lost Colorado's principal point to Michael Dukakis, and was easily defeated the next day in Wisconsin by Dukakis. Jackson's appearance among white voters in Wisconsin was significantly higher than in 1984, but also felt lower than predicted earlier. The back-to-back victory set Dukakis as a clear Democratic frontierer, and he went on to claim the party's nomination but lost the general election in November.
Jackson's campaign has also been plagued by allegations about his half-brother's criminal activity Noah Robinson Jr. Jackson must often answer questions about Noah, often referred to as "the Billy Carter of the Jackson campaign".
At the end of the Democratic primary season, Jackson has won 6.9 million votes and won 11 contests; seven preliminary (Alabama, District of Columbia, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and Virginia) and four caucuses (Delaware, Michigan, South Carolina and Vermont). Jackson also scored a March victory in Alaska caucus and Texas local convention, despite losing to Texas primary.
Campaign platform
In both races, Jackson ran on what many considered to be a very liberal platform. In 1987, The New York Times described it as a "classical liberal in the New Deal tradition and the Great Society". Declared that he wanted to create a "Rainbow Coalition" of various minority groups, including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, family farmers, the working poor and working class, and homosexuals, and progressive European Americans who do not into that category, Jackson ran on a platform that included:
- Creating a Work Oriented Administration Style program to rebuild American infrastructure and provide jobs for all Americans,
- Prioritize the War on Drugs to focus less on the mandatory minimum penalty for drug users (which it sees as racial bias) and more on tougher penalties for money laundering and other bankers who are part of the final "supply" of "supplies and request "
- Reverse the Reaganomics-inspired tax cuts for the ten percent richest Americans and use the money to finance social welfare programs
- Cut the Defense Department budget by fifteen percent during his term
- Declaring South Africa's Apartheid era to be a naughty nation
- Centered the initial nuclear freeze and started disarmament negotiations with the Soviet Union
- Supporting family farmers by reviving many new Roosevelt New Age agricultural programs
- Creating a single universal health care system
- Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
- Increase federal funding for low-level general education and provide free college for all
- Apply a stricter Use of Rights law and app
- Support the creation of a Palestinian state.
With the exception of the resolution to impose sanctions against South Africa for its apartheid policy, none of these positions made it into the party platforms in 1984 or 1988.
Abortion position
Although Jackson is one of the most liberal Democrats, his position on abortion was initially more in line with the pro-life view. Within one month after the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, an authorized abortion, Jackson started a PUSH campaign against the decision, called the abortion murder and stated that Jesus and Moses might not be born if abortion was available in ancient times. Jackson's powerful rhetoric about abortion while alienating one of his main supporters, T. R. M. Howard, a black doctor who made a living from having an abortion.
In 1975, Jackson backed a constitutional amendment plan banning abortion. He also supports the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the funding of abortion through the federal Medicaid program. Writing in the 1977 National Rights to Life Committee News report, Jackson argues that the basis for Roe v. Wade - the right to privacy - is also a premise that has been used to justify slavery and the treatment of slaves in plantations. Jackson denounces what he believes to be a relaxed takeover of life, and a decline in the value system of society. However, Jackson later adopted a pro-abortion view that abortion is a right and that the government should not prevent a woman from having an abortion.
Next political activity
He ran for a "shadow senator" for the District of Columbia when his position was made in 1991, and held that position until 1997, when he did not run for reelection. This unpaid position is primarily a post to lobby for state status in the District of Columbia.
In the mid-1990s, he was approached to become US ambassador in South Africa but refused an opportunity to help his son Jesse Jackson Jr. run for the United States House of Representatives.
Jackson was initially critical of the "Third Way" or more moderate policies of Bill Clinton, so much so that, according to journalist Peter Beinart, Clinton "petrified the main challenge of" Jackson in the 1996 election. However, he became a key ally in gaining American support Africa to Clinton and eventually became a close adviser and Clinton family friend. His son, Jesse Jackson Jr., also appeared as a political figure, becoming a member of the United States House of Representatives of Illinois.
On May 2, 1999, during the Kosovo war, three US soldiers who had been taken prisoner were released for talks with Jackson. Jackson's negotiations were not approved by the Clinton Administration.
On November 18, 1999, seven Decatur, Illinois high school students were released for two years after participating in a fight in a soccer game. The incident was caught on the home video and became a national media event when CNN showed pictures of fights. After the students were expelled, Jackson spoke on the grounds that the expulsion was unfair and racially biased. He asked the school board to reverse their decisions.
On January 20, 2001, Bill Clinton's last day in office, Jackson has petitioned Clinton for amnesty from members of Congresses Mel Reynolds, John Bustamante, and Dorothy Rivers, all of which were approved. Jesse apologized fourth, to his half-brother Noah Robinson, who had been convicted of killing Leroy Barber and sentenced to life in prison. This was Clinton's only unannounced pardon because Robinson had proposed three previous forgiveness pardons, all of which were rejected by the Department of Justice.
Jackson is the target of the white supremacy terror plot of 2002.
In early 2005, Jackson visited the parents in the case of Terri Schiavo; he supports their failed offer to keep him alive.
In 2005, the Federal Electoral Commission ruled that Jackson and the National Democratic Committee had violated the election law and levied $ 200,000 to them.
In March 2006, an African-American woman accused three white members of the Duke University lacrosse boy's team of rape. During the next controversy, Jackson declared that his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition would pay the remaining tuition fees regardless of the outcome of the case. The case against the three men was subsequently discarded and the players were found not guilty by North Carolina Attorney General.
Jackson took a key role in the scandal caused by comedy comedy actor Michael Richards' comments in November 2006. Richards called Jackson a few days after the incident to apologize; Jackson accepts Richards' apology and meets him openly as a means to resolve the situation. Jackson also joined the black leaders in a call for the abolition of "N-word" throughout the entertainment industry.
On June 23, 2007, Jackson was arrested in connection with a protest at an arms shop in Riverdale, a poor suburb of Chicago, Illinois. Jackson and others protested over allegations that the gun shop sold firearms to local gang members and contributed to community decay. According to police reports, Jackson refused to stop blocking the store front entrance and let customers pass. He was charged with one count of criminal offenses to the property.
In March 2007, Jackson declared his support for Senator Barack Obama in democratic preliminary elections in 2008. Jackson later criticized Obama in 2007 for "acting like a white man," in response to the beating of Jena 6.
On July 6, 2008, during an interview with Fox News, the microphone picked Jackson whispered to fellow guest Reed Tuckson: "Look, Barack has, ahh, talked to a black man on this religion... I want to cut his mole." Jackson expressed his disappointment in an Obama Father's Day speech speech about black father. After the Fox News interview, Jackson apologized and reaffirmed his support for Obama.
On November 4, 2008, Jackson attended Obama's victory rally at Chicago's Grant Park. In a few moments before Obama spoke, Jackson was seen crying.
Jackson has praised Obama's 2012 decision to support gay marriage and has compared struggles for same-sex marriage to fight slavery and anti-marriage laws that have prevented intermarriage marriages. He will support the federal law extending marital rights to gays, because he feels that if the matter is left to the states, some countries will continue to deny equal protection and equal rights.
Electoral history
Awards and acknowledgments
Ebony Magazine named Jackson to the list of "the 100 most influential blacks" in 1971.
In 1979, Jackson received the Jefferson Award for the Greatest Unprofitable Profitable Public Service.
In 1989, he was awarded the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP.
In 1991, Jackson received the James Madison Award from the American Whig-Cliosophic Society for Distinguished Public Service.
Clinton gave the Jackson Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest honor awarded to civilians in August 2000.
In 2002, Molefi scholar Kete Asante entered Jackson into the list of 100 Biggest African Americans.
In 2008, Jackson was presented with Honorary Fellowship from Edge Hill University.
In the AP-AOL "Black Voices" poll in February 2006, Jackson was voted "the most important black leader".
Jackson inherited the title of High Prince Agni people from Ivory Coast from Michael Jackson. In August 2009, he was named Prince of CÃÆ'Â'te Nana by Amon N'Douffou V, King Krindjabo, who ruled over one million Agni tribes.
Personal life
Jackson married Jacqueline Lavinia Brown (born 1944) on December 31, 1962, and together they had five children: Santita (1963), Jesse Jr. (1965), Jonathan Luther (1966), Yusef DuBois (1970), and Jacqueline Lavinia (1975).
Jackson's sister, Charles "Chuck" Jackson, is a singer with the vocal group The Independents and as a solo artist who released two albums in the late 1970s. Together with his songwriting partner and fellow producer, Marvin Yancy, he is very responsible for launching Natalie Cole's career.
On Memorial Day, May 25, 1987, Jesse was made Master Mason on Sight by Grand Master Senter from the Most Amazing Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois; thus making him Prince Freemasons Hall.
In 2001, it was revealed that Jackson had an affair with a staff member, Karin Stanford, who produced the birth of an Ashley girl in May 1999. According to CNN, in August 1999, the Rainbow Smelter Coalition had paid Stanford $ 15,000 in movable expenses and $ 21,000 in payments for contract work. The promised advance of an additional $ 40,000 on future contract work is lifted once the matter becomes public. This incident prompted Jackson to withdraw from activism for a short time. Jackson paid $ 4,000 a month for child support in 2001.
In November 2017, Jackson was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
See also
- "I Am - Somebody" - a poem popularized by Jesse Jackson
- List of civil rights leaders
- Leading Freemason List
- Dudley, K. (1994), The End of the Line , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226 -16908-1 .
- Jackson, Jesse L. Jr. (2001), Better Unity: Advancing the Rights of New America , with Frank E. Watkins, New York: Welcome Rain Provider, ISBNÃ, 1-56649-186-X .
External links
- Interview with Jesse Jackson About the South African-US Relationship of Dean Peter Krogh Overseas Digital Archives
- Jesse Jackson on IMDb
- Appearance in C-SPAN
- Jesse Jackson - Keep Hope Alive
- Affiliates
- Quotes
- Ubben Lecture at DePauw University
- 1984 DNC and audio speech transcripts
- 1988 DNC and audio speech transcripts
- Jesse Jackson Calls for "War of Poverty" - video interview by Democracy Now!
Source of the article : Wikipedia